Friday, December 22, 2006

GypsY Mum...

stiLL on mUm's LumpY bed..
mE: MAK... if i were to say that i don't think i'M gonna Or eVer goNNa get married what would u say ?
Mum : BAK taNgaN ....
mE : HUh ???...
SejaK bila My Mum caN reaD paLms ??
i was Giving her mY "aRe-u seriouS????" Look...

NAh!!!!...hOlding Out mY nervous and sweaTy paLms to her ...
stiLL in douBt..
starIng aT my mUm blanKly surPrised in a way. Eversince wheN Did she leaRn this?
aLL this while I've been haVing this Image PotraYed in mY heaD that PalM reaDErs aRE surpose TO be more lIke a GypsY LAdy wIth loNg unmanagable hair, having this eerie looking cat by her side, her dark rOom would be filled in with The basic ornaments of a psychic..tarot cards, leather pouches, demon skulls, oR at least a Crystal ball....
i Watch To mUcH Of haRrY PORtER!!!
CominG baCk tO mY sweaTy palms..
mUm belek-belek...
pusing sana...pusing sini...
u can hear heR Mumbling tO herself..*baca mentera ke ape???*..
i was getting worried a little..
will she be able To know bouT all those NoTty things that i've done??
all those smaLL (or is iT bIg) sins..???
but at this point it's too late to turn back...
My palM is in her haNDs..
it seems Like agess..the Clock was TickinG slowLy...

mum :"No laH Na... u'Re Gonna Get maRriEd, BuT laMbaT siKiT..."
Me: iye ke ?? (in a veRy confUsed tone of i relieved Or am I happy ??)...
Mum : But the 1sT one CuT U Deep...
mE: hurMmm... (she's seriouslY gOod at this!!!!)

the Gypsy mum didn't stOp there as The resT oF the Clan decided To queue up and ask for her service... (dasaR penyebOk betOl bebudaK 3 ekoR nih..)

as a paYback.. The Gypsy Mum was treaTed wif gOOd Coffee and Roti bakaR 30 minUtes laTer at "KopitiaM baNgi" (nice And Cozy plaCe)...
went to bed that night with mixed and disturbed toughts...

fell ouT of Lurve ...adOi!!!

i was laZing around On mOm's LUmpY bed last nite, catching uP on stuff, gossiping and having our daily mother-daughter ChIt-cHat ...
We were discussing bout janI3's relatioNshIP wiF m3gaT...I haTe it when People fall out of Lurve!!!
JAnie came to a POint where she thinks her relationship wiF megaT eventuaLLy can't workoUt and bOth oF them have decided tO end it. She dropped The Bomb and told the whole faMilY bout the BreaK-up. We discussed iT during dinner and gavE heR ouR views and full support on Her decisioN buT it managed tO touch jani3's soft spot as i caN see tears dropping form her eyes...HearT brokeN...!!!

fOr janI3...hang in there sIs...
and for U M3gaT dearie...u've been a part oF the faMilY for the past two yeaRs and will and always be...oNce a familY always a familY...
daMN!!!! i hate BreaK ups....
whaT saY U ???

Thursday, December 21, 2006


You were rather inviting in a way..
YoU were veRy welcoming and warn.....
aT times U were cold ..that it gives me shivers
U made yer point that u need to really see me AGAIN and again....
despite that the fact that i'm physially un-fit to meet up wif u ...
I missed oUr weekly get-together last week cz i was uncertain...
Do U miss Me DEaR ???
i can't figure IT oUT...
i can'T reaD in between the lines...
Are u relieved not to see me Or do u ReallY miss me for sure??
U made your statemenT that U "REaLLY-really" neeD TO see me aGain...
i KNow u missed MY MOves...
i knOw i need Those strokes....


i jUSt haTe those woNdering eyes..
Those uninvited stares from the public..
those watchful eyes of others..
the way that gawk when ever i approach u ...
It's Just Horrible..
They make is as iT is a sIN for Us tO be together.....
What da ??

i'M Just TALkinG tO mY swimmiNg pOOl...

YuP... HiT the Waters haRd On suNdaY. Missed mY weeklY swiMming session lasT sunDay (cZ yours TruelY overslePt) and it's PaYback time!!!!

I hit the wateR WiTh a BiG THud Instead oF the usual NoT-sO-BIg-sPlash but i managed tO eMptY haLf oF the POol though. GAsping for breath after my so-called attempt to at least stay in shape swimming session last sundaY i realised that i'M an Unhealthy Freak.....

bEen living oN unhealty food lately. mY daIlY 5 times meals..breakfast, lunch, tea-break, dinner and super and somtimes those 2am nite cuppa is not helping at all.

Being nannY oLd where at this age what eveR u pop into yer mouth will end up somewhere.. either iT's at the tummy, thighs or Hips... darn!!! i'M now the OfficiaL "Perot buncIt-Thick thighs-saggy bum-millions Love handles queeN"...

Living in the Era where everYbody are trying their best tO look like SupermoDEls where size 2 is the Ultimate size, The "i'm-skinny-and-dying-due-to- lack- of-flesh" and "see-My-Rib-cage-is-showing" figure is the "IN" thing having love handles here and there is sucH a sIn.
To make things worst..those "to drooL and To die for" cloths that you think might look good on U only comes in size 2, 4 or 6... What the??? i'm pUtting the blame oN twiggy..

So here i am... in denial of the faCt that i actually have to do something bout my unhealthy life style oR i'll end up shopping in "Plus siZe" boutiques but at the same Time in the quest to find some New hoBbies that includes sweating and panting.. (hahhahahahhahahh!!!!! peverts!!!)...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

GirlY Eyes....

i'M a Bad sisteR iNdEed. i've Forgotten tO teLL the World that MY belOveD sisTer a.K.a KAk iJaH (to Most of U guys) haD been In the HospitaL fer quite someTime...

She had BeeN in the ObsteTriC waRD for the past 3 weeks Kot. HaViNg some Pre-nataL problems where the baby is tO smaLL to see The world bUt yet tOo Eager to come oUt and to make things worse is that the MummY just couLdn'T take things easilY at work, working her ass oFf around the Clock. that's Why the Doctor decided to puT her in the ward instead.

So basically, she's locked up aT her own work place. waY to Go sis ...!! Tuh laH kerja saMpai taK ingat duNia and now u can at least get some rest and be at work at the same time. How cOol is that ?? The Only difference is that she's now clad in the Purple patient jumper instead oF her stylo Doctor Outfits... hahhahahaha

BearIng aLL mY saRCastics remarks everYtime i drop by fer a visit, suCh as....
- I kNow whY u are In here ... YuP... U'Re tRYIng to saVe oN waTer and EleCTrciTy aT home aren't u ...
- CAn't get eNuf work??? that's Why u decided To move "In to" yer work place ??
- DoCtors are lOosers that sometime they can just call in sick and yet end up at their work place.. (no offence to the all the doctors out there but this is meant to be fer My sisteR onlY..)

So there i was, last sundaY, paying the beloveD siCk sis of mine a visit. TApaU-ed KFC instead oF her requested "Chilis MonteraY ChIckeN"- (daMn this preggY LAdy caN be reaLLy demanding BUt what the HecK, U enD up haVing Chick for LuNcH gaK and Chilis is waY Too much hustle for Me lah sis.. anyway u still have 1 more month to go and there's ample time for me to fulfil yer wishlist by then)....

she was so enGrossed in her DVD marathon and was watching Unggu Violet. Yup the IndoN Movie 'bout the Model and the photographer. Played by dIaN and The haiRY-eyebrows-guy.. what was his name again..haaa.... Rizky Hanggono..

Sis : Na.. have u waTched the MuvI ?
mE: (stuffing mY self wiF KFC chic)'s like sooooo 2005.. where have u been ?
sis : arOund aah bUt didn;t manage to catch the MuvI back then, and luckilY SyeD waS kind enuf to drop bY and bRing me these YummY DVDs (pointing to some Of the DVDs laying on her bed)...
Me: OooOhhh Ok...

5 minutes lateR...after the scene where the Girl (diaN) met with an accident and the champange glass got into her eyes...

sis : BoDoh!!! apesal nak bawak the glass gi tetengah jalan ... kan dah accident !!!
Me : (digging into my whiped potato..)aLAh nak jaDikan cerita..sape lagi bodoh .. dia ke kite yang tGh watch the Muvi nih ??
sis : a'aH ..
Me : Do u want me To tell u the ending ?? (dah Mule kuaRkan tandok!!!)
sis : No!!! i'm watching this!!
Me : alah...later ade Org bagI mate kat dia... hahhahahaha....!!
Sis : shOOT!! now u've just managed to ruin the whole thing....
ME : nope lah ... the question is who ??? sape yang bagi mate kat dia ...
sis : ha'aH la... mamat tuh ye ???
Me : i thought u said that u don't wanna know the ending?? Go figure...
sis : ye lah....
me: here's the thing sis.. place yerself in her shoes.. kalau u were to go blind (touch wood).. and u have a donor, a girl and a guy to choose.. u nak mata siapa?? mata the guy ke mata the girl ??
sis : tah .. the guy kot.. U ??
me : definatelY the girl.. susah Ooo... havIng a Guy's Eyes in a girl's bodY. i'll eNd up being a BiG time pevert. everytime sure nak check OUt other girls Punye Boobs and ass. It's Like u're into guys but yer eyes wonders on the Girls. I'll end up staring at girls in the ladies oR even worse peepinG JAne.. tak ke susah ...
Sis : hahahhahha....!! Twisted but betol gak kan ??
ME & sIS : hahahahhahahhahahahha!!!!!!!!

LuCkY me ... i stiLL haf mY girlY eyes WiF me...*winK*...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

3...2...1...BlasT oFf....

malaYSia LaUncheD measaT 3 satellite to space tOdaY. The evenT tOoK place at 7:28am (malaysian Time) and was transmitted live via satellite video feed at KL Convention Centre.
I hearD the News oN the radIo during mY mOrning Ride to work. The Morning Crew came Up wiF a verY interestiNg topic....
"what/ Who would u launch to space???"
one caLLeR called in by the name oF paTriC ...
MCrew : So what/who Would U launch to space ??
calleR : MY Ex Girlfriend....
MCreW : hhahahahhah.... and why do u wish to send her there?? tO accompany MAESAt 3??
caller : Nope... CZ she said She nEed some space...

claP.. claP... claP...
goOd One...

Friday, December 08, 2006

tOo olD to DrooL....

tHE Girls are having their semester break and getting really bored killing time at home. They eventually haf things planned oUt for alternate days. YesterDAy they folLoweD en tahi and papa SyEd oUt for their 2nd photoshOot.
SyED is having his "SSO" butik portfolio reaDy and insisted En. tahi to snaP some pictures of his models.
The MomenT i paRkeD mY caR into the GAraGe.. i was greatEd wiF theiR non-stoP stoRies...
"BesT KAk iNa"....!!!! and the stories didn't end there as it continued sampai dinner....
During Dinner...iya, janIe and eN. taHi, still wif their photoshoot stories...
"asYraF tu sok..sek..sok ..sek..""baIm nI....sok ..sek...sok..seK.. "
me lost and clueless at that time but definately dOn't wanna be leFt behind...
"asyraF ?? baIm ??? sape TUh ???" *yours TruelY - bluR*.. are they surpose to be some HunK hoT shoT models oR what ??
i Got this as a repLy....
"alaH ...asyraF tUH yanG berlakOn impi4N ily4na tuh aaH kak iNa, baim tu pulak "My teaM" punye plaYEr... hans iss4c kecIk..."
LIke DUH!!! no wonder I taK kenaL...

tOdaY... since i can't get some ShuT eyes moments, i browsed through En taHi's FP. all i can say was WOW!!! eN taHi haf been My aLL time FAV photographer (puji Nih aM.. walaUpUn kO amIK gaMbar kak Na sumeR yanG taK caNtIk!!) bUt this One memang CantIk... i've seeN the Whole Unedited Ones.. but seriousLy this Guy goT talent!!!
taK yaH belajaR pepanDAI waT pe jaDi chemicaL engineer ?? BuaT penaT aje...amIk gaMBar sudaH!!!

kUdOS tO aM..keeP uP the GOOd Work...
Am's Pictures caN be viewed at

sEaL aLL dooRS!!!

i'M stepping on the brakes. lAying low for a while. a lOt haD happend latelY....
all i can saY is thaT the DooR is PartiaLLy cloSEd. U're inViteD but u're Not welCome In.
aiyaRk.. maNyaK SusaH Ooo iNi maCaM...
aIyaRk cIk siTi pompuaN baNyaK muda..
ana baNyaK hEraN jalaN TutuP maTa...
uwaNg daN LIngiT aaH ..
ana talak heraN ..
ana baNyaK heraN aah jalaN TutuP matA...
jaGa aPek DEpaN ada LONgKanG...!!!!
GedeBuK!! i felT iN !!!! OoOo ManYaK sakIT OoOO...
pictures KIdnapped frOm En tahi.. thanKS Am...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


someone Forward me this picture... and wiF k3l4nt4n new ruling of decency in dressing it's like just a perfect time to post this up. i think i 'll spare my 2sent worth on the dressing issues. No offence to the k3l4ntan33S but this is really cute.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Do u know that to chinese fung sui 4 is an unlUckY number??
Superstitious Chinese says it brings bad luck. BAsed on My observation, Org cin4 jarang beli plat number with the number 4 in it...

sometimes ...when u go up a lift ... 1, 2, 3,3A...aiyark.. what happend to the number 4 ???
BUT those are tO some Of them aah ... as fer me.. it's just another number, which comes after 3 and before 5... but that was till last friday...

remembEr ORG MiNyak ?? yeah the one that i mentioned in last post ??? HUrMm...aFtEr the 1st grand entrance on Tuesday (during dinner wif dice and the DoC) ... we had 3 more outings after that, 3 more dates to be exact..

On WedneSdaY he was inviteD to join janie's b'DaY dinneR at nelayan tIt1w4ngs2 wif the family..

On ThuRsdaY.. we had nasik lemaK for dinner at C1tY g4rd3N and we PuT our "change a the flat Type" skills to tesT and a late niTe Drink at d0raY afterwards...

and to end iT.. FridAy..he jOined the whole family again for midnight muvi..we watched "cinta" as Mak and the rest beria nak tgK....

sO that makes iT 4 days in a row...
sO ...4 is nOt a bad Number anYwaY..
yIkeSs.. mY hands are aLL OilY...tOo mUcH mInyaK ??? NOpe... caN't get eNuF...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

mY HAndsome and Org MInyaK ...

iF i were to keep a diarY,iT would be named "Handsome".
U know how people will start it with... "Dear DiarY " sO for me it will be like.. "Hi Handsome"...
aFter a tiring daY .. i'll unwind with "my handsome"...
i'll pour myself out to "mY handsOme"...
before gOing to bed... i'll drop bY at "my handsoMe"...
when the daY get tough, i know there's always "my handsome" to talk to...
i'll end my day with a date wif "my handsoMe"..kewl huh ??
But toO bad .. i don't have anY handsoMes at the moment...
BuT iF i were to have one, this is what's Gonna Be in It oN TuesdaY....

Hi hanDsoMe...
work was rather flaT, the normal day-to-day work. Decided To haf dinneR wiF dice and the DoC after work (Nick for Che.. dear IF u dont like It ... let me know!!! ). We had it at San FrancisCo steaK House for a change instead oF the normal chilis as we were on the 20 minutes waiting list and yours truely hate to waIt when it comes to fOoD!!!

BAsicaly, We were updating each other on the Normal "whaT-have-U-been-Up-tO-latelY" stories.
The DoC just got back from her 7 daYs beijing jalaN2 carik makan... OoPpps OR more like, "i haf lots of money to spend and this time it would be in beijing" ... hahahha...
Dice Just came baCk from s'poRE and the Usual..

We had invited "Org MinyaK" to join US for dinner... hurMm this GUy is RAther intresteing as he was my skOolmate and i never eveN talK To him duriNg thoose days. and Now he's Joining us for dinneR. oHhH ya... The Nick ...Org mInyaK,..Cz he's a petrol3Um enG in P3tr0n4s.

sO there we were 4 oF Us enJoyIng dinneR.. talking stuFf and i was shoCked that Org MinyaK caN aCtuallY talk as he dont do that much of talking in skooL at least noT wiF me he don't...

The nite wouldn't be complete without coffee afterwards, so we had coffee at The Beans.stiLL talking... and boy we surely can talk.. tIme does fly on jets when u're having such great fun. the resT Of them called it a daY but nOt for me and The DoC as we had OuR girly talk part 2 in front of her porch. headed home at 1 and later, uPdated MUm wiF mY endless dailY updates.. Mum was rather impressed wiTh org minyak first entrance...

went to bed at 2 that nite with someThing wondering wild in my head...
People saY ... "Don't judge a boOk By it's CoveR.."
when it comes to oRg minyaK, it's definatelY True.. "never judge a BOok By iT's Cover as GOod BOoks Dont really haf gOod covers...
i'm now readIng "org MinyaK"... huhuhuhu...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


This woman caPtured mY eyes.
As i was doing mY daIlY walkdown at site. i came accross this laDy. She's One oF the brick laYer a.K.a TukaNG ikaT baTu. I was astounded bY her presence there at site..all alone, surrOunded By 1000 male worker.
There i was, observing her, watching her every moves..
"amik batu bata, ketok2..letak simen.. and start laying by one.. skali sekala..berhenti, wipes her sweat away...."
all that came to my mind during those time was Masya-Allah...i'M blessed....

Monday, November 27, 2006

mY weekend get awaY

It waS a quiCk get AwaY. We went to PulaU panGkor for the weekend. Yours Truley is on "MC" today. the 3 adorable BraTs manaGeD to persuade theiR beloved sister to join their 1st hols trip which is in Pulau pangkor.
i've manageD to upload some of the pictures.. tak larat nak upload all cz we are all such "cam whore" and there's about 233 pictures in total ...
The trip was nice. For a change, we stayed in one of those backpack chalet instead of the normal hotels. Chalet but mcm holet finishes pulak...comes wif aircond and Astro.. kewl huh ?
we did the usual... cannoing, sand bathing, island hopping, snorkling, swimming etc... On the way back to KL we had lunch at Chicken KIng. Despite the fact that it's totally out of our route but we still went. For those who tak tau what so special bout CHicken kIng ...It's OrkeD and JAson's faV place. ... hahaha .. kitOraNG kan nO 1 faN oF "sePeT"... sanggUp tuh ...

" i like their french fries, i think they make the best french fries here..
do u like french fries??
yes oR NO ??
but their french fries are the best definately..

as for the rest of the picture's tak larat aaH nak uPload. i'LL be goinG tO tiomaN sooN...

MAmitO anD janIe

RAscaL #1 and PartneR in Crime ...

ClicK here.. Click there.... They Just caN'T get enuF ....

aDli and OuR selF cLAimeD PanGkoR Tourist attracTion....sand EggS...
MAn MAde sAnd eGgs... *u jusT dOn't wanna Know*

rEAding ?? hey i toughT the ExaMS were oVer ??? sTArIng aT the MenU aah...

a little movie Moment... Re-living the memories oF "sepeT"....

aLIa and her aDDictIon.. aiR kelapa..


ha...Gelak..gelak..sengeh..sengEh... MC mana maU caRik ???

maMiTo & papiTo...

the thrEe adorable BraTs....

baCkpaCk iN sTyle...

waItINg for JAsoN and OrkeD ???

mY perfecT 10 stOrY ...


It was in My highskool daYs when i first met him. we survived 5 years being locked up in my top of the list "most hated" yet precious place which is my highschool.he was my skoolmate back then.known hIm aS 3ddY eversince.

23rd December 2006...
i started the day grumpy and dragging my feet out of bed as usual only to find myself stucked in one of those regular site meetings.Bored and seems to be an endless meeting.what better things to do ??FridaY the day where i could haf my long lunch break....thanks to the Current-sTAte-oF-the-Art Technology, we haf handphones nowdays just to keep u wide awake to endure all those loOOOoOoOOng meetings....My fingers was fast on the Hp keypad..sMs-inG...

me: BAbe.. what's uP ??
3ddY : Nothing's Up.where r u ??
me: at site... babe.. u oughtta go and see some specialist bout thOse "NOthing" is Up thing, that's bad...lunch later ???
3ddY: dammit girl.. but lunch sounds great...
me: OKey.. here's the thing. This time we do it diffrently. we'll treat this as our official "lunch date"..U put on yer charm, i'll put on mine,after lunch.We grade each other.u grade Me and i'll grade u.. we see who suck the most ....
3ddy : OOoOww..i'm gonna fail big time ...
me: well dear, u haf 1 and a half hour to buck up and dont b late cz puncuality is being graded....
3ddy: shoooT...!!! be there later ...

and that was how iT all started. We had lunch at the t3rminaL.

me : BAbe...u know selection of place are also in the list to be graded??? and it's a rule of thumb thatguys haf to choose...
3ddY : shOoT!!! this is hard ...
me : Burger King sound nice. dah lama tak makan..
3ddY : then BUrger king it is...
strolling our way to burger king... half way ..
me: babe... do u know that u can tell alot bout people by the way they eat their burgers ...??
3ddY : is it ???
me : ya laH ... the way u chomp through yer burger ... the flimsy way u handle those greesy fries.. those runny ketchup...hurmm... it shows alot..
3ddY: TheN .. it's a bIg NO to buRger king ...

we ended up having lasagna and turkey ham sandwich in one of the went well until his gigantiC HP starts to ring...
3ddy : ye dato' sRi ... 2:30 dato's sri.....i'm having lunch, will be there in a short while (lifting his eye brows..while switching off his fone...)
me : U must be kidding rite...???
3ddy : there i told u i'll fail big time will only take 30 minutes trust me....
3ddY is one of those yeS men People... he's a PTD by profession... and that fone call from dato' sRi flushed oUr appetite down the drain.
25 minutes later i was in k3mentrian something something REading the papers. sInce he was rushing to meet Up wif his dato's sRi and i have no inspection at hand back at site, so what the hecK..
we sort oF made a deal. we trade..i'll have a fair chance of viewing his daily office life and later he'll experience mine... Thinking hard what shall i do to him later. force him into those phua hu kanG safetY booTS and hard hats and bring him on my daily inspection ??? NOpe Tooo easY. i'll hang him upside down on the crane instead.. that sound splendid...

Cruel as I may be.. but the crane thing is too muCh for hIm. Settled mOSt of mY daily routine work. we headed Over to concorDe for after work dine and dinner...

3ddY: babe .. i owe u big time and i know i fail...
me: It's so obvious that u flunk and yup u owe me big time...

The lounge song selection was fantastiC..oldskoOl material. We taLKed for nearly 4 hours. VArious topics ranging from politics, gaYs, bapOks, pros and cons being in gov3rm3nt s3Rvent to m4y4 k4rIn...blah..blah..blah....end we even dO lips reading. u know that A1 is in town, so the louge are packed wiF maT saleh repersenting each team. We call it a nite at 10:30.... Despite the fact that dearest 3ddY failed his test, we had a wonderful time...

On my way baCk home... sMs-ing while driving...

me : BAbe.. what's My score....
3ddY : peRfecT 10 babe...
me : despite Whatever grade that u've given me, u still owe me 365 bfast, lunch, dinner and coffee... and u still have to re-sit for the test again...
3ddY : well... maybe next time i'll be fully prepared ...
me : smiling ...thanks for the 10...

hahahahha.... fuNnY could i be a perfect 10 and a looser by intention at the same time ???

Monday, November 20, 2006

iGnorant Or is it plain arrogant???

have been thinking haRd lately... how could people just doN't reply sms?? don't answer calls?? dont reply mails?? dont replY comments in their blog etc....

aRE theY really busy? bebuat busy? trying to avoid things? ignoraT or is iT plain arrOrant ????

i just can't picture myself doing sO. i can describe mYself as accomodating... especially to other's need.. tu sebab OrG cakaP... laIN oRg laIN caraNya. DiffreNt in their Own waY....

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My new PaRtneR in CriMe....

lasT week was rather hectic.HQ haf selected our SIte to be aUdited bY Sirim. Been tidying uP all those lose ends on the paper work, however Alhamdulillah the AudiT wenT well. all the
Big bosses and even the chairmen was at site. Kindda Kewl to have the opportunity to hang out wif the Big bosses once in a while. We were treated lunch at C0nc0rde as a token of apprecation on the effort that we've chipped in to ensuRe ISO was implemented at site.
the Ch4irmen Reminded me to expedite on My P3 submission and my new dateline is on next Thursday as he'll be waiting for my submission to "The b04rd 0f enGin33rs" BY ThUrsdaY.
WOW... instead of having my Own-self dateline, nOw i haF one of the leading man in "the b04rd" fixing my datelines... CooL But at the same Time JAdi pressure laH pulaK....

Hurmmmm... on a lighter note..
Lia is In town For 2 months.. she's now reporting to Z3lan HQ for some extra Visa WorK.

Che's BAck in maLAysia for good (i assume..), yet to haf our normal "button bursting" dinner and coffee sessioN but met those two lovebirds once over "teh tariK sessioN" last weeK.

NAjIb enlightened us wiF his ratheR depressing life in S4baH in his "life in s4baH" mail which least welcomed most of our reply as we ended up discusing his state of virginity rather than his s4baH life : P

aLIa and janIe are now lazing at home as they Just completed their final ExaMS and now planning for their holiday getaway..I dont think they will get any overseas trip this holiday as mak and abah is going to bandung and china soon and Those two adorable spoiled brats (hehehhe..) have been almost's high time they spend some quality time at home wiF babY arief...

Me on the Other hand had been plaNNIng mY LoNg awaited HolidaY getawaY as well.. BeeN lOokIng forwaRd to GO To auSsie, BuT MY lil cousin aKi balIk for summer HOls laK and mak kaTa summeR there is uNbearable. sO haFta waiT untiL aKi gi sana BalIk and theN Kak iNA wiLL joiN him sOOn. pulling the brakes on the "all geared up Self GetawaY to aUSsi3" and put it on hold for the Time Being...

Running Low on the DVds dosage..Time for a quick "petaling street" Fix Up. this weekend basicallY i'LL be iN petaling street lookiNg for DVds while sippiNg in "the Famous aIr mata Kucing". lOOKINg forwarD to a greaT weekend...hOpe that U'll haf a great One too...

..... oH YA... mY New PArtneR In CrIme WheN iT Comes To CoFfEe ADDict....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

is it that difficult ???

is it that difficulT ??? are we that hard to please?? .....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

RaIniNg ????

aLL i can say thaT it's raIninG meN on my side of the worlD... *kewL huh???*

Monday, November 06, 2006

wHaT shaLL it bE ???

i'm not a "shower KaraOke Queen",MY MInd Wonders during shower time. It caMe to me during the weekends.I was thinking of mY Ubi-kaYU blOG ,,, i've been Putting reaL names of the people i know oN mY bloG.It's HiGh time Fer me To change iT ... like Spice things Up a BIT ... pUt some Mysterios effects... Let the REaders wonder who theY reaLLy aRE ... it'll be fUN ...
So .. Fer all mY close Friends who are reading tHIs... I'M giving u the OppurTunity To chose Yer Own new Nick names FOr mY blOg ... fer example..
NiCkie couLd be "the faMoUs Life plaNNEr".hahha as she is an aCtual planneR and her life is always in orDEr...
JenoH could be "the neveR PuNctuaL GuY". no offence NoH but that's What u dO best ...
paK maT Could Be ... "the YuMmY DAdDY".. nO explanatIon needed.. hahahaha..
Lia... "sexY SecreaTArY"??.. dIcE "StyLO NeRD"..hehhehheh...BudaK kecIik ??? uDe??? And the REst ... ??? any ideas??

sO pUt yeR thinking caP on and come Up wiF yer oWn nicknames and post it up... and oNce i have eveRyboDy's NiCK name in oRdEr i'LL staRt using it in MY bLoG ...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

eiGht bAll...

i put mY so to saY pOOl skills (which is rather appalling) to test last nite.The ex-cmp mothly get together went well despite that we forgot to include mr. ting this time aroud. We decided to include some extra actvities this time, apart from the normal face stuffing and button bursting dinner so we decided to include playing pool while catching up with each other's life. PAkmat was not being such a gentlemen and decided nOt to have some merCy on the lady (which is nothing new since it's pakmat ...Sorry MAt). He monoplise most of the games.
NoH's coming back to town, he'll be leaving Tanjung bin soon and come to think bout it, he'll be able to join our NExt ex-CMp get-together.welcome aboard nOh, we'll have the red carpet waiting for u.... hehhehehe
Self reminder.. nExT month's Ex-cmp get-together, No more pOOl ...CZ i suck big time !!!!

........i don't know what i'm looking for but i know that i'll be looking somemore....

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

LivInG the MomEnts....

You know How u cauGht yourself blushing eveRy time Seeing some kissing scene in your faV movie. All Curled Up in yer sofa, dressed up in yer peejaYs, HuGgiNg yer teDdy, smiling alone at the Tele, embracing those MomenTS as If it was U there in the scene. Che Mentioned something like.."caUghT in the MomenT"....iF that's The caSE .. i'Ve beeN caUght UP in Lots OF momenTS laTelY. i'm oveR mY "prisOn bREAK drOOLiNg sessOn"- thanks To Che agaIN ...

DiggiNG intO the Girl's DVD collection bacK home, i found adli's oLd OC DVds. Yup call me back dateD, lapse in time but i haven't seen the full episode yet and now i'm halfway through the 1st session..moving on to 2nd season sOon. u're never tOo old to enjoy teens series rite? despite oF the idea that it only makes me feel nannY Old and how could noRmaL people ever fit in into those size 4 jeans??? hehehhe....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

eiD ediTiOn

tumMy fiLLed wif KetupaT and RendaNgs, overdosage OF kuIH raYe and FriZzy Drinks all in all, raYe waS wonderFuL. haViNg said that i'M slowLy draGgInG mY feeT to work todaY.

BeiNG a KaMpungless persOn.. raYe was celebrated moderateLy for aLi's ClaN this YeaR. The NormaL sesI masaK2 a daY before resUlteD yOUrs TruelY to be lightheaDed afTErwaRds but still thaT didn't manage tO suppressed mY raYe mOod. This yEar ouR yearlY "lasT minute JAlaN TAR sHoppinG sessIOn" was brought forwaRd due to the raIN and abaH's Strong objecTion on haviNg his beloVed son and DAughters ouT beRSesaK2 in jalaN TAr on MAlam raye ItselF.

On the FirsT daY oF raye.. We weNt round SelanGor visiting relaTives, Cik shaM's House in serenDaH and Uncle NordiN's House in KeM baTu kanTomeN. As or the resT oF the RAye We just laZed arouD at HoMe... BAbY AriEF is Now Full time In aTok's and NeneK's CrIb. HAving the Whole House to himselF, he seriouslY OccupiED most of our time.

Work on the other hand are rather slow. site is still in it's raye Mood and the evening Rainining session makes it even worst. It's not tOo laTe To wiSh ALL of u a haPpy eiD and fOr thOse Who pass BY banGI.. Do drOp By.. mY house Is aLwaYs OpeN .....MarhabaN ye Eid....

Saturday, October 14, 2006

buRsting ButtOns...

mY IFtaR sessIon aRE fuLLY bOoKed until raYe.. TRying mY best tO make myself available to attend all of it and still have 9 more days to go. LAst week itself, i've been all around town for buke pose from nasik lemak ciTy garden to Nasik AyaM Ching Meng Bukit bintaNG to MadaM kwaN then the shiP and yesterday it ended in The CoasT alamanda. Despite of all those hectic iftar schedule i still prefer to buke pose at home where it's c.O.Z.Y and c.O.M.f.O.r.T.A.b.L.e.

With all those buke pose buffet that i have attended and yet to attend i doubt it that i can still fit into my BAJu raye. can'T wait to lit up those pelita at Home. lOoKing forward to the last leg of RAmadaN. SooN we'll be greatinG "MaRhaBAn YA Eid"...

Picture courtesy of *thanks*

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

GenG laTaH strike baCk!!!!

RamadaN nih maK kaTa taK baIK gelak-gelak, bulan baik hari baik ni kena behave!! But who can resist iCED white coffee & mouth watering roti bakaR at Kopi Tiam While LAUGhing yer heart ouT enjoying those "melaTaH" session With mY primarY skool sweetheart - adorable HAireez da Pimp and datIn RoSE...
yuP... GenG laTAH Strike baCk!!! We mET uP for late supper at KopitiaM in tesco. HAD few rounds of good laugh while sipping our coffee. Hope tonight i'll be laughing in mY sleeP pulaK...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

tO sLeeP oR to crY??

Picture this.. u woke up from sleep one day and found out that u're actually crying. u're really2 sad..sobbing..with tears flowing from your eyes... what are u gonna do ?? continue crying or wipe those tears and go back to sleep ???

aLia told me that i cried duRinG my sleep. This happend not only once, but twice for the past 1 week. i can't recall of having any bad or even sad dreams lately. here i am trying to figure out what makes me so sad that i even cried in my sleep ? a bit worried.. mcm psycho lak .. am i "sick"?? emotionally unstable ? nothing new to that ..

Tried to search for some explanation why this thing happened and maybe any solutions to avoid this thing from repeating itself. but can't find anything on the net that can enlighten me and put my worries at bay. Most of the write ups are for babies. baby? me? baby no more...

hurmmm.. its 12:00 o'clock and i can't sleep. to worried that i might be crying again ??? well i'll make sure this time i have spare kleenex nearby...

cHiliS & maCY

aLhaMDulillah completed yet another week of ramadaN without much hussle. lAst week was not that hectic. FaMA dah baLIk from umrah.aside from mak having her "Ella- like" voice...Both of them are in gooD healTH.

Had MY iFtaR with pak maT in Chillis KLCC on WednesdaY. This Time TinG can't join us as he was seriously buzzy with oFFice Work. "MAS MAt" filleD me in on his jakaRta trip forbiddeN stories. "iYA... GuE eNggaK bisa NgomonG lebIh2 ... bagi LoNG aS U'RE haPpY gUe TuruT haPpY ya maS maT ..."!!

SaturdaY was the highlight of the week as janie had sprained her ankle the night before and requires further check up to insure no broken/ crack bones. Lukily nothing severe. LAter in the afternooN, We went to MAcY in SerdaNG to get some curtains for Mak..Earlier, we planned to buy it in jalaN TAR, we changed ouR mind last minute as we can't manage to find any parking spot. JAlaN TAR in on a satURdaY bulan ramadan lak tuh ... what do u expect ????

we have to settle with something slightly expensive than what we had in mind. HoweveR MAK reaLLy deserve the besT. foUnd a nice PIece of readY made CuRtaIn wiTH GoOd faBriC and NiCe design, wonderful colors.. not To mUcH .. just perfect for raye.
i managed to get some fabriC for mY rooM CurtaIn. saw this RetrO lOoKiNg piece..felT in love with it the moment i was it and it's really cheap... RM5/meter. well i guess i'll be having my RetrO lOOkINg Room for raye theN...

Picture courtesy of *thanks*

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

RAmaDAN MubaraK...

FirStlY... MarhaBAn ya RAmadaN..

It's the 10th day oF pUAsa and the 1st blog enTry for ramadan.
People say that during ramadan.. "setaN kena Ikat ".. is it so ?? i don't think mine are tied down properly then... for the past 1 week i've been having this unstopable craving fOr coffee at odd times...
pukul 4 petang tetibe teringin nak minum coffee... and yet i'm fasting... time buke pose tak teringin lak ... the craving will then strike back after terawih which is around 10:30... and the nearest starbucks iS in aLAmanda that closes around 10.. dont think i can manage the drive to bangsar alone just to haf my cuppa. Gile ke ape ?

It has been going on fer a week and last nite, i just couldn't bear it anymore.. i went for my
"coffe hunt" around bangi at 10:30...KNowing the fact that i cant find any starbucks or coffeebean outlets in bangi.. i settled for San FranCisco piZZa instead. There i was at 10:45pm, siPpInG a cheaper and less tasty version of "iCe blended MoCha" while having a long-distance call with aBaH on the fone... (oh...lupe lak, FaMA is in MekkaH performing their Yearly ramaDaN UmraH TriP)..

RamadaN is ratheR flaT this yeaR as FaMA decided to haf their umrah trip in the early part of Ramadan. OH Ya... My MAId baRu saMpai "kak UswaTul hasanaH"- nice name huh ?? and since the Bibik is available, BabY arief is here during daylight. kinDDa KewL to haf him around.. taught (oR more on spoiling) him with new vocabs sucah as "wickeD".. "abaH GI sMoke".. "i'm
soRRY"..and we even managed to get him to sing "my Love" song. melentUr buluh biar dari rebUng..iNdoN rules... Later in the evening i'll bring him to the playground..."aYeP..JoM gi
playground kite g carik awek".... and he would be rushing for the door...

Nickie dearest is now playing cupid.Trying to matchmake Me with this guy from her office. U can read more on the overall cupid plans at . I chicken out the moment i read dear nickie's blog... call me a me what ever u want but JusT having the idea of being matchmake gives me goose bumps... GAve UP relationships two years ago..

weLL enuf said.. wishing u a happY ramaDaN MubaraK ..

Thursday, September 28, 2006

i haVe rocks...

i'Ve alWays remembered The First tiMe i met him baCk in 2004. It was My first week aT the new place and i Bumped Into Him in saFetY depaRTmenT. HurMM... GOod LokiNg Clean CuT and all. KInDda HaVe this HindusTaN Look gOINg oN. ...
"BUdaK baNgI Ye ?? " i was like "NoPe.. KajanG...!!!".. that's hOw iT Started.

Then came the buke pose Dinner in oRaNge taMan U. Me beinG Bold aS always...just can't keep my mouth shuT the Moment i step into his BMW...
"keREta Yer FAtheR Ke ???"
he was stoned fer awhile then answered...
"taK laH..and Why??"...
tryInG my Best tO hiDe mY LAughter i kinDda replied...
"taK aaH ...maCAm kereta OrG tUa"....
aT that MomenT i KNew that we managed To pass the "iCe Breaking Session" with flying colors...

We haD OuR fuN Times...endless teh taRiK sessioN, secret recepie faCE StuFfing, BOok time in MPh, balIk kaMpunG Trips, Movies ...I jusT LuRve the tIme when we hangout at the fire escape staircasE wAiting fer movie to start while having the regular fag "Time to kill ourself Session".

No matter what the Topics weRe, We alwaYs manaGe to find something to taLk aboUt. NoT to mentIOn OUr daIlY LuNCh naP when we use To sleeP In the
ClinIC. TuCkeD in mY bUnkeR.. he prefers the oTheR high One. FrOm One tOpiC tO the OtheR until we eventuallY dozed OFf.

theRe were Times When We kinDDa wenT oUR separate Ways For a while.. BuT that doesn't last feR lonG... despite OUR diffeRenT believes, opinion, attitude, judgement, point of view we kinDda "Clicked" in ouR OwN way...

I always RemembereD JoHN C's last words ...."U make Sure U jaGA Adik U tuH"....

LAst week i met him before He went ofF To Pontian...heard that he managed To get himself into raNhiLL and will be posted in sabaH.. he finallY tendered his resignation from zelan yesterdaY. hopiNg for all the Best iN His FuTuRe .....

When U wanT water, RocK is Useless..but it's the most important thing to keep everything from flying away. ...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'M tOo yOuNG to be a LAzY buM....

LookiNg arouNd MY smaLL caBIn..what to do nexT??i've hanGGEd all the ConstructIOn draWings, FileD aLL related "Request For iNspeCtIOns" Forms, Gone Though all the "MethoD StatemenTS", Progress Claim VerifIEd. What tO DO NeXT ???
HUrmm.. Once in a whiLe U caN see My head PoPpING OuT oF the Site caBiN LookINg at the site from afaR. MY DailY InspectIon wont be untiL 3-4 O'clock in the AfternOON where the Sun is REaLlY on tOp oF yeR heaD. ZelaN haF this WaY oF niCeLY treaTiNG me bY arranging aLL the Site inspeCtIon at 3. TheY thinK thaT that wiLL helP Me to aChive a gOod TANned SkiN.. YuP... aS hell iT would... Now i'M stripes all oveR.. putIh separuH hitam sepaRuH ...

After 6 yearS OF heCtiC workiNG life, i came to a POinT where It slowed down In pace.The Site Progress aRE reaLly slow when it comes to m & E. They should really back up iF not i'll be spending day and night at site later, during the last leg of construction where testing and commissioning will take place simultaneously just to capture the hand over dates.

as for Now...i think i'm slowlY TuRnIng mYselF oR to be more accurate adapting the "Goverment ServanT" working sytle. I'M Too YoUNg To be a LAZy BUM though. HAVE Been oCcupying myself with games, BlOG readInG, Extra Dosage OF InteRneT sUrFiNg and Now i'Ve tUrn To REAdInG. HAvE been HoOked tO Jodi PucoulT "The PaCt". Life where work is concerned iS ratheR sLow. it's a TotaL opposite oF taNjuNg BiN where I can'T eveN siT doWN and read the papeRs. kinDda Missed the HectIc LIfe baCk theN.
MaK on the Other haNd haVe beeN Pushing me To starT My PE write UP. BuT as usuaL Me anD MY oTaK seminiT and sUpeR DupeR last minuTe Sytle have Decided To give mYseLf a breaK and Just enJoY the Ample Free time that i crave for soO long.

HOpe This "laZy Bum" sessioN wiLL phase ouT soon iF Not i oughTta find MyfelF a New JoB as this One IS sO slOw in PACE that It Kills me....

Lurve The PiCture...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

my mOrning daTe...

been tUnInG To HiTz laTelY. I stopped lisTing to HiTz when i was posted in JB which was last 2 years as i dont like listeNing to all those events and fUn things that i would be missing back in KL. nOw waKiNg up tO the MoRning CreW kindda Get me Off the Morning bLues.... finding myself gigGling alone in the caR while driving to work... people Might think that I'M craZy but whatdaheCk...i haf the MorninG crew wiF me... !!!

TheiR version oF "Mat RempiT" terikaYi boYS tOkYo driFt kinDDa Get TO me. The "GotCha" sessIoN aRe Top noTcH Superb (hUrMmm.,...Who shaLL i inClude In the list?? *thinking very-very hard*)...

DEspite oF haViNg JJ and RuDy to fiLL in mY "oH-i'M-daMn-LaTE-fOR-woRk-mOring-Drive" session i kindda Miss the Old Morning Crew, FlYgUy and LIL keV ...bUT thaT waS histORy as For nOw i'll settle For mY "daIlY date" wiTh the MorninG CreW...KeeP IT Up Guys....

Saturday, September 09, 2006

to LOVe and to be LoVeD....

I'M viewing someone else's Love LIfe...Since i caN'T haF My own for the Time beiNg. i've been PampeRING mYSELF with all those LoVe sTory DVDs.. YuP mY DvD maNIa maRATHOn is baCK.

I've JusT finished watching ..thE Lake House, MisTreSS oF sPice, Click, Devils wears prada (halF way Cz the DAmn dVD stUcked), My super ex-girlfriend and latest to the list is Step up. I'M a biG supPorter to all those DVDs aH Longs as i dont have that much Money to spend on Original DvDs NoR Time tO go through all those traFiC just ending up with the Long qUE at the cinema (well..the Cinema oNline might be a bIG help but with mY "otaK seminiT" these online BOokIng won't make anY gOOd) nOr i have any decent movie partneR to go with.

I came To the POiNT in life where i wish that iF Only GOD could RE-live the feELiNg oF Love in Me.. To Love and To be Loved...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

two GUys, A girL and Hard RocK....

The Title FoR the POst todaY ala-ala sitcOm "two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place".... : )

Had OUR ex-CmP get togetheR last Nite at HRC. EveNthough not Everybody are invited (since jenoH StiLL stuckeD in JB...ishk2..keCiaN...But we'll make sure Once u're Up and running in KL ..u'll be in the lisT tOo...) as for the resT oF theM... aU..iNtaN..etC.. i kinDDa Lost contact But haVIng the Three oF Us pun daH KinDda Fill the Quota.

having pak mat and Ting for dinneR was splendid. It has been a while since i last met ting. He's now the electrical principal engineer in MeinhaRdT and extremelY buZy wiF work samPAi nak shave Pun takde mase..he's kIndda Cute with his new MUstache lOok..paK MAT pUlaK the On the Other hand, laTe as UsuaL but YummY as eveR..can'T helP but noticed the Well shaped bOD..he's been hitting the GYm laTelY...HUrMmMM....

HoT TopiCs that was dicussed during the Dinner basically lingers bout work...intan ...NoH (beb SorrY kitoraNg nGumpT lu...).. BAngkok trips... INdoNesia..and as usuaL bout CMP (which was our previous company)....

despite oF we are alreadY in HRC and DV8 is performing... we didn't staY fer the Live BAnd sessioN due to the following reason...
1. TiNg haVe to be baCk in the Office To settle His outstandinG mall design..
2. PAk maT haF to caTcH a TRain back to PJ as he have handed over The Volvo back to En aRUl and...
3. mE... I haf to retire earLy as i have To be in sUbang airpoRt earLy in the Morning...

we'll make Sure the neXt get-togetheR will be Till the wee hours of the dAy...

Monday, September 04, 2006

OH maK Ko...!!!

JUsT came BacK FrOm LaTe Nite SupPEr WiTh My wondErfUl primarY sKooL Buddies...DatiN RoSe and HAiRieZ dA PimP.BeB.. i teLL You this two peps are ReaLy Top notCh when iT comes To "melataH"...PAnTAnG keNA CucuK...Unpreditcable words kuaR dari muluT dioranG and sometimes...IMplusive Acts Pun aDE..We seriouslY Brought the house this case ..the kedai down.AfTEr 2 hours of non stop laUghter and Sessi cucuk mencucuk... mY jaws are now numb dUe to Over dosage of laughiNg..We will be havInG this CheekY get-together again neXt weeK...

MAliNdO ROCk....

GoT 2 media TikeTS For maLindO Rock concert at MoUnT Kiara. THanks To ZZ eRa...However Due to the ShoRt notice and unpredictable wheater ..looks like macam nak Ujan malam Tuh ....HairieZ laK Demam and i haF no one To go wiTh...

i decided To Give those TiCKets tO aM... why waSte those pRiceless TickeTs. AnyWaY aM tOok soMe GreaT PicTures oF eLLA.. as requesteD By me ...

to jenoH deaRie... bile beb nak Gi tGK shOw eLLA kaT planeT laGiK ?? Can'T belive that we were On The taBle throughout the whole sHow... Those Were the GOod TimeS...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

PinK BooTS PleaSe...

it's all over the papeRs...iT's everY where,,,it's either Siti Or MAwi. kekadaNg naIk bohsan laK..For others it's the time where you wish you could split yer boDy into fer me sinCe i'M don't fancY watching the WeddinG ceremoNy oF those Two love BIrds..bukan Ape Jealous ngan siTi..she TOok My daTo' K...huhuhuh... i opted for AstO instead...
i was Glued to the Tube watching he most awaited confession from both iNa and MAwi...i dont take sides...i"m on the Fence Person...anywaY...soaL jodoh oRg nIh taK YAH naK sibOk2...What i obserVed froM yesterday's iNa & MaWi confessioN was ..MAwi was a bit reServed and INa waS reaLly pouring her heart OUt...bUt i wont be writting bout this furher...

i was Pinned down to the cOuch throughout the whole interview sessioN due tO iNa's graciousness...Despite of her all new and well groomed looks, the Pumpier and Jucier lips, Plucked eye Brows and stuFf...i can't beLieve how sOft spoken she was... Being a so and So MAwi faN ..i have to say that she melted My heaRt away. Dressed in her HeavY Purple Dress wiF overAccessorsed bEads and sequins she's the lime light oF the Nite.
The way she TAlK...caIR beb KAlaU dengaR...eveN rosyaM commented verY time She Answered .."ye banG.." iT will sureLy give shivers to all the Guys yang tGk... It's hard to belive that in this VAst mOvinG world where Female are trying their best To be more dominant or to be at the same par as men in terms of performance, work,financial status etc.... People like her still exisT. SeriouslY the first thing that came tO my mind was ..perempuaN melaYu terakhiR... If u compare me and her..It's Like laNgIT and BuMi..leTs nOt even think of going tHEre...the lasT time i woRe BAJu Kurung sUmer OrG kaT site nearLy fainted...Come To think about it...have i lost my feminine side..?? ...
LookiNg at me Now...all the time clad in mY tees and Jeans..and To make iT worse....saFety BooTs and safeTy haRd haTs..does that make me less feminine .. the way i talk...the way i walk..Hurmmmm... patOt aaH taKde OrG naK...huhuhuhuh....
Resticted to my workiNg naTure being at Site and stuFf..vwhat can i do To make Me mOre Feminine lookiNg??? Paint mY safetY haRd haT PiNk??? PinK safeTy bOots??? addInG 3 inCh feels tO mY saFetY bOots?? hURMmMm....iNtresTINg

Saturday, August 26, 2006

21 +++++++

23rd AUgUST ...the Date which adds another year to my aGe. Well lUckY me that i stop growing at the age of it's just another "+" sign...*wink*

The day started with pouring birthDay wishes as early as 12:00am...i can't get some decent sleep through out the nite. Thanks To all and hopefully those wishes came true. HAd a small birthdaY dinner at "The ShiP" that nite. The food was awesome as usuaL. SavorinG mY Huge T-Bone SteaK till the last piece of it. all in all it was N.I.C.E..

Che TOld me that Being 28 is a perfect age...It's the "IN AGE".. i marinated" her comments fer a while..give it some thoughts...and i couldn't agree more...

fer me..being 28 symbolized a more matured age..where people tend to listen to u, advises being considered, people take you seriously, in makes me feel old...huhuhu...
whatever it is...i'M happy to be 28...You could tell how happy i am by looking at my "Ear to ear smile" in the picture...looking forward for a brighter year ahead..."welCome 28.."

Thursday, August 17, 2006

DAto K and Siti's Thighs...????

I restrained myself to comment on the most controversial issues and the co called wedding of the year…Yup..”Dato K and SitI”…since dah berlambak sangat storRy about them on the papers and lately, they even make it on the front page… But…I just can’t curb my enthusiasm when I flipped through “The STAR” Yesterday…
The headline was ..”Siti: I’m not a home wrecker ..” don’t care and don’t give a damn bout the home wrecker thingy… it’s so damn obvious but think i should spare my comments…

However … it’s the “thighs” that caught my attention …
The actual clipping was…

Khalid said he first fell in love with Siti after he visited her at her Kuala Lipis home and she was dressed simply in a batik sarong and T-shirt. “For me, it was amazing that a celebrity could be so unpretentious,” he said, adding that when he saw her walking up the stairs, he had strong feelings for her, prompting a reporter to remark:
“When you saw her thighs ...” leaving the room in laughter. …

the paper clipping is here...

EnuF said.. aLErT !!… alert!! .. bIg time PeverT has entered the building … !! well… don’t get me started on the “strawberry and cHoC” thing… to some oF them it’s a match made in heaven.. but tO me… *tOooOt*.. I dare not to pun it in words.. kaNg blog aku nih kena banned laK...(lately kan they are trying to impose rules and regulation on BloGs,, yea rite as iF they are gonna Read mine….)
So I can conclude that GiRls Out there… just throw those branded cloths.. forget ZARA…MNG..TopsHoP..leviS and starT wearINg batik sarongs and T-shirT…it’s the “IN” thing….u’ll be expecting more oF me in mY sarong and tees soon…. BAgI aaH change,,, I want my protion oF DAtos also… *wink*wink*

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

what i sAw on tele - "mY Super sweet 16th"

I'm not a BiG tele watCher.. I watch the tuBe either to kill time or something intresting is on air or Just to join the normal couch potato session with the rest of the family members.... started a few sAtuRdaYS baCk ... When i joined iYA and JAnie in the TV room and they were WatChIng "My super sweeT 16"...i was puzzled at first ..trying to figure out what is it all about... basically it's a wild ride behind the scene of all the preparations that took part in preparing some rich spoilt kids for their most important coming-of-age birthday celebration - Their sweet 16th b'day bash. It started with the venue selections, music, mCs, photo shots, party invitation, dress, party themes and bla...bla..bla... It features "daMn rich, famous and not to miss out spoiLt bratS"...These teenagers spenT like Limitless moMmy's and daddy's Pennies just to fulfill their wildest 16th B'daY celebration.... most of the bday Girls and boys were presented wif mouth dropping "BMWs..MerC.. and jaGuaR" for their birthday present... well talk about just being damn L.U.C.K.Y...

It's REallY disgusting to sit down and watch these teens spend their parents money just fer a one nite event. well... can't wait to catch the next episod though... hehehheheheh....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

HAppY GraDuatIOn Dr. AdLi...

On sAtUrdaY.. the Whole FAmily gathered to celebrate Adli's Convocation day. SyeD and our Professional Photograper (en Am) was also invited. IT was an enjoyable event. DEwan Tengku canSeloR UkM was packet with proud families yanG came from neaR and far just to celebrate their love ones BiG daY..

AdLi had started his posting at UH (University Hospital). aNOther dOctor is BorN. Welcome to the workiNg worlD brO. Despite of trying his best to potraY the image of a well respected Doctor.. adli being adli.. can't seems to hide the childisH side oF him ...He was seen JumpIng infront of the DEwaN just to get a good convo snaP... couldn't care less on his surrounding and those wondering eyes of other spectators...he was jumping.. leaping his way through the whole photo session. Am joined him just to get the feeL out of it... hehhehe...We are really proud oF U lil brO and aRief's Beloved papa Li.. cOngratS Li....

* i can't seem to uPload the photos here ... will upload the photos once i figured out what's the prob... it may have to do with the person who's trying to upload it... me and IT.. i think u guys know better *wink*wink*

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bigger in siZe....

oTher then feeLIng gOod to be baCK Home.. baCk in Mom's CriB..
i think i gained Weight like Nobody's busineSs.. MoM's place
iS just bout 10 minutes drive to alaManda where all the good
fOods aRe... i'm 10 minutes away from my coFfEe ... i've been
stuffing myself non-stop with all thOse forbiden food. No
excercise at all to sweat all those extra pounds.. extra Pouch and flesh appearing here and there...bY end of the MontH i think i can't fit into the caR anymOre...hmmm..those two muffins wif "sang keding & keding properties" are definately not mine...hahahahah....