Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'M tOo yOuNG to be a LAzY buM....

LookiNg arouNd MY smaLL caBIn..what to do nexT??i've hanGGEd all the ConstructIOn draWings, FileD aLL related "Request For iNspeCtIOns" Forms, Gone Though all the "MethoD StatemenTS", Progress Claim VerifIEd. What tO DO NeXT ???
HUrmm.. Once in a whiLe U caN see My head PoPpING OuT oF the Site caBiN LookINg at the site from afaR. MY DailY InspectIon wont be untiL 3-4 O'clock in the AfternOON where the Sun is REaLlY on tOp oF yeR heaD. ZelaN haF this WaY oF niCeLY treaTiNG me bY arranging aLL the Site inspeCtIon at 3. TheY thinK thaT that wiLL helP Me to aChive a gOod TANned SkiN.. YuP... aS hell iT would... Now i'M stripes all oveR.. putIh separuH hitam sepaRuH ...

After 6 yearS OF heCtiC workiNG life, i came to a POinT where It slowed down In pace.The Site Progress aRE reaLly slow when it comes to m & E. They should really back up iF not i'll be spending day and night at site later, during the last leg of construction where testing and commissioning will take place simultaneously just to capture the hand over dates.

as for Now...i think i'm slowlY TuRnIng mYselF oR to be more accurate adapting the "Goverment ServanT" working sytle. I'M Too YoUNg To be a LAZy BUM though. HAVE Been oCcupying myself with games, BlOG readInG, Extra Dosage OF InteRneT sUrFiNg and Now i'Ve tUrn To REAdInG. HAvE been HoOked tO Jodi PucoulT "The PaCt". Life where work is concerned iS ratheR sLow. it's a TotaL opposite oF taNjuNg BiN where I can'T eveN siT doWN and read the papeRs. kinDda Missed the HectIc LIfe baCk theN.
MaK on the Other haNd haVe beeN Pushing me To starT My PE write UP. BuT as usuaL Me anD MY oTaK seminiT and sUpeR DupeR last minuTe Sytle have Decided To give mYseLf a breaK and Just enJoY the Ample Free time that i crave for soO long.

HOpe This "laZy Bum" sessioN wiLL phase ouT soon iF Not i oughTta find MyfelF a New JoB as this One IS sO slOw in PACE that It Kills me....

Lurve The PiCture...

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