Wednesday, November 29, 2006


This woman caPtured mY eyes.
As i was doing mY daIlY walkdown at site. i came accross this laDy. She's One oF the brick laYer a.K.a TukaNG ikaT baTu. I was astounded bY her presence there at site..all alone, surrOunded By 1000 male worker.
There i was, observing her, watching her every moves..
"amik batu bata, ketok2..letak simen.. and start laying by one.. skali sekala..berhenti, wipes her sweat away...."
all that came to my mind during those time was Masya-Allah...i'M blessed....

Monday, November 27, 2006

mY weekend get awaY

It waS a quiCk get AwaY. We went to PulaU panGkor for the weekend. Yours Truley is on "MC" today. the 3 adorable BraTs manaGeD to persuade theiR beloved sister to join their 1st hols trip which is in Pulau pangkor.
i've manageD to upload some of the pictures.. tak larat nak upload all cz we are all such "cam whore" and there's about 233 pictures in total ...
The trip was nice. For a change, we stayed in one of those backpack chalet instead of the normal hotels. Chalet but mcm holet finishes pulak...comes wif aircond and Astro.. kewl huh ?
we did the usual... cannoing, sand bathing, island hopping, snorkling, swimming etc... On the way back to KL we had lunch at Chicken KIng. Despite the fact that it's totally out of our route but we still went. For those who tak tau what so special bout CHicken kIng ...It's OrkeD and JAson's faV place. ... hahaha .. kitOraNG kan nO 1 faN oF "sePeT"... sanggUp tuh ...

" i like their french fries, i think they make the best french fries here..
do u like french fries??
yes oR NO ??
but their french fries are the best definately..

as for the rest of the picture's tak larat aaH nak uPload. i'LL be goinG tO tiomaN sooN...

MAmitO anD janIe

RAscaL #1 and PartneR in Crime ...

ClicK here.. Click there.... They Just caN'T get enuF ....

aDli and OuR selF cLAimeD PanGkoR Tourist attracTion....sand EggS...
MAn MAde sAnd eGgs... *u jusT dOn't wanna Know*

rEAding ?? hey i toughT the ExaMS were oVer ??? sTArIng aT the MenU aah...

a little movie Moment... Re-living the memories oF "sepeT"....

aLIa and her aDDictIon.. aiR kelapa..


ha...Gelak..gelak..sengeh..sengEh... MC mana maU caRik ???

maMiTo & papiTo...

the thrEe adorable BraTs....

baCkpaCk iN sTyle...

waItINg for JAsoN and OrkeD ???

mY perfecT 10 stOrY ...


It was in My highskool daYs when i first met him. we survived 5 years being locked up in my top of the list "most hated" yet precious place which is my highschool.he was my skoolmate back then.known hIm aS 3ddY eversince.

23rd December 2006...
i started the day grumpy and dragging my feet out of bed as usual only to find myself stucked in one of those regular site meetings.Bored and seems to be an endless meeting.what better things to do ??FridaY the day where i could haf my long lunch break....thanks to the Current-sTAte-oF-the-Art Technology, we haf handphones nowdays just to keep u wide awake to endure all those loOOOoOoOOng meetings....My fingers was fast on the Hp keypad..sMs-inG...

me: BAbe.. what's uP ??
3ddY : Nothing's Up.where r u ??
me: at site... babe.. u oughtta go and see some specialist bout thOse "NOthing" is Up thing, that's bad...lunch later ???
3ddY: dammit girl.. but lunch sounds great...
me: OKey.. here's the thing. This time we do it diffrently. we'll treat this as our official "lunch date"..U put on yer charm, i'll put on mine,after lunch.We grade each other.u grade Me and i'll grade u.. we see who suck the most ....
3ddy : OOoOww..i'm gonna fail big time ...
me: well dear, u haf 1 and a half hour to buck up and dont b late cz puncuality is being graded....
3ddy: shoooT...!!! be there later ...

and that was how iT all started. We had lunch at the t3rminaL.

me : BAbe...u know selection of place are also in the list to be graded??? and it's a rule of thumb thatguys haf to choose...
3ddY : shOoT!!! this is hard ...
me : Burger King sound nice. dah lama tak makan..
3ddY : then BUrger king it is...
strolling our way to burger king... half way ..
me: babe... do u know that u can tell alot bout people by the way they eat their burgers ...??
3ddY : is it ???
me : ya laH ... the way u chomp through yer burger ... the flimsy way u handle those greesy fries.. those runny ketchup...hurmm... it shows alot..
3ddY: TheN .. it's a bIg NO to buRger king ...

we ended up having lasagna and turkey ham sandwich in one of the went well until his gigantiC HP starts to ring...
3ddy : ye dato' sRi ... 2:30 dato's sri.....i'm having lunch, will be there in a short while (lifting his eye brows..while switching off his fone...)
me : U must be kidding rite...???
3ddy : there i told u i'll fail big time will only take 30 minutes trust me....
3ddY is one of those yeS men People... he's a PTD by profession... and that fone call from dato' sRi flushed oUr appetite down the drain.
25 minutes later i was in k3mentrian something something REading the papers. sInce he was rushing to meet Up wif his dato's sRi and i have no inspection at hand back at site, so what the hecK..
we sort oF made a deal. we trade..i'll have a fair chance of viewing his daily office life and later he'll experience mine... Thinking hard what shall i do to him later. force him into those phua hu kanG safetY booTS and hard hats and bring him on my daily inspection ??? NOpe Tooo easY. i'll hang him upside down on the crane instead.. that sound splendid...

Cruel as I may be.. but the crane thing is too muCh for hIm. Settled mOSt of mY daily routine work. we headed Over to concorDe for after work dine and dinner...

3ddY: babe .. i owe u big time and i know i fail...
me: It's so obvious that u flunk and yup u owe me big time...

The lounge song selection was fantastiC..oldskoOl material. We taLKed for nearly 4 hours. VArious topics ranging from politics, gaYs, bapOks, pros and cons being in gov3rm3nt s3Rvent to m4y4 k4rIn...blah..blah..blah....end we even dO lips reading. u know that A1 is in town, so the louge are packed wiF maT saleh repersenting each team. We call it a nite at 10:30.... Despite the fact that dearest 3ddY failed his test, we had a wonderful time...

On my way baCk home... sMs-ing while driving...

me : BAbe.. what's My score....
3ddY : peRfecT 10 babe...
me : despite Whatever grade that u've given me, u still owe me 365 bfast, lunch, dinner and coffee... and u still have to re-sit for the test again...
3ddY : well... maybe next time i'll be fully prepared ...
me : smiling ...thanks for the 10...

hahahahha.... fuNnY could i be a perfect 10 and a looser by intention at the same time ???

Monday, November 20, 2006

iGnorant Or is it plain arrogant???

have been thinking haRd lately... how could people just doN't reply sms?? don't answer calls?? dont reply mails?? dont replY comments in their blog etc....

aRE theY really busy? bebuat busy? trying to avoid things? ignoraT or is iT plain arrOrant ????

i just can't picture myself doing sO. i can describe mYself as accomodating... especially to other's need.. tu sebab OrG cakaP... laIN oRg laIN caraNya. DiffreNt in their Own waY....

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My new PaRtneR in CriMe....

lasT week was rather hectic.HQ haf selected our SIte to be aUdited bY Sirim. Been tidying uP all those lose ends on the paper work, however Alhamdulillah the AudiT wenT well. all the
Big bosses and even the chairmen was at site. Kindda Kewl to have the opportunity to hang out wif the Big bosses once in a while. We were treated lunch at C0nc0rde as a token of apprecation on the effort that we've chipped in to ensuRe ISO was implemented at site.
the Ch4irmen Reminded me to expedite on My P3 submission and my new dateline is on next Thursday as he'll be waiting for my submission to "The b04rd 0f enGin33rs" BY ThUrsdaY.
WOW... instead of having my Own-self dateline, nOw i haF one of the leading man in "the b04rd" fixing my datelines... CooL But at the same Time JAdi pressure laH pulaK....

Hurmmmm... on a lighter note..
Lia is In town For 2 months.. she's now reporting to Z3lan HQ for some extra Visa WorK.

Che's BAck in maLAysia for good (i assume..), yet to haf our normal "button bursting" dinner and coffee sessioN but met those two lovebirds once over "teh tariK sessioN" last weeK.

NAjIb enlightened us wiF his ratheR depressing life in S4baH in his "life in s4baH" mail which least welcomed most of our reply as we ended up discusing his state of virginity rather than his s4baH life : P

aLIa and janIe are now lazing at home as they Just completed their final ExaMS and now planning for their holiday getaway..I dont think they will get any overseas trip this holiday as mak and abah is going to bandung and china soon and Those two adorable spoiled brats (hehehhe..) have been almost's high time they spend some quality time at home wiF babY arief...

Me on the Other hand had been plaNNIng mY LoNg awaited HolidaY getawaY as well.. BeeN lOokIng forwaRd to GO To auSsie, BuT MY lil cousin aKi balIk for summer HOls laK and mak kaTa summeR there is uNbearable. sO haFta waiT untiL aKi gi sana BalIk and theN Kak iNA wiLL joiN him sOOn. pulling the brakes on the "all geared up Self GetawaY to aUSsi3" and put it on hold for the Time Being...

Running Low on the DVds dosage..Time for a quick "petaling street" Fix Up. this weekend basicallY i'LL be iN petaling street lookiNg for DVds while sippiNg in "the Famous aIr mata Kucing". lOOKINg forwarD to a greaT weekend...hOpe that U'll haf a great One too...

..... oH YA... mY New PArtneR In CrIme WheN iT Comes To CoFfEe ADDict....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

is it that difficult ???

is it that difficulT ??? are we that hard to please?? .....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

RaIniNg ????

aLL i can say thaT it's raIninG meN on my side of the worlD... *kewL huh???*

Monday, November 06, 2006

wHaT shaLL it bE ???

i'm not a "shower KaraOke Queen",MY MInd Wonders during shower time. It caMe to me during the weekends.I was thinking of mY Ubi-kaYU blOG ,,, i've been Putting reaL names of the people i know oN mY bloG.It's HiGh time Fer me To change iT ... like Spice things Up a BIT ... pUt some Mysterios effects... Let the REaders wonder who theY reaLLy aRE ... it'll be fUN ...
So .. Fer all mY close Friends who are reading tHIs... I'M giving u the OppurTunity To chose Yer Own new Nick names FOr mY blOg ... fer example..
NiCkie couLd be "the faMoUs Life plaNNEr".hahha as she is an aCtual planneR and her life is always in orDEr...
JenoH could be "the neveR PuNctuaL GuY". no offence NoH but that's What u dO best ...
paK maT Could Be ... "the YuMmY DAdDY".. nO explanatIon needed.. hahahaha..
Lia... "sexY SecreaTArY"??.. dIcE "StyLO NeRD"..hehhehheh...BudaK kecIik ??? uDe??? And the REst ... ??? any ideas??

sO pUt yeR thinking caP on and come Up wiF yer oWn nicknames and post it up... and oNce i have eveRyboDy's NiCK name in oRdEr i'LL staRt using it in MY bLoG ...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

eiGht bAll...

i put mY so to saY pOOl skills (which is rather appalling) to test last nite.The ex-cmp mothly get together went well despite that we forgot to include mr. ting this time aroud. We decided to include some extra actvities this time, apart from the normal face stuffing and button bursting dinner so we decided to include playing pool while catching up with each other's life. PAkmat was not being such a gentlemen and decided nOt to have some merCy on the lady (which is nothing new since it's pakmat ...Sorry MAt). He monoplise most of the games.
NoH's coming back to town, he'll be leaving Tanjung bin soon and come to think bout it, he'll be able to join our NExt ex-CMp get-together.welcome aboard nOh, we'll have the red carpet waiting for u.... hehhehehe
Self reminder.. nExT month's Ex-cmp get-together, No more pOOl ...CZ i suck big time !!!!

........i don't know what i'm looking for but i know that i'll be looking somemore....