Friday, December 22, 2006

fell ouT of Lurve ...adOi!!!

i was laZing around On mOm's LUmpY bed last nite, catching uP on stuff, gossiping and having our daily mother-daughter ChIt-cHat ...
We were discussing bout janI3's relatioNshIP wiF m3gaT...I haTe it when People fall out of Lurve!!!
JAnie came to a POint where she thinks her relationship wiF megaT eventuaLLy can't workoUt and bOth oF them have decided tO end it. She dropped The Bomb and told the whole faMilY bout the BreaK-up. We discussed iT during dinner and gavE heR ouR views and full support on Her decisioN buT it managed tO touch jani3's soft spot as i caN see tears dropping form her eyes...HearT brokeN...!!!

fOr janI3...hang in there sIs...
and for U M3gaT dearie...u've been a part oF the faMilY for the past two yeaRs and will and always be...oNce a familY always a familY...
daMN!!!! i hate BreaK ups....
whaT saY U ???

1 comment:

Lieya said...

sesuAtu yAng tAk AkAn kite jAngkA. terlAlu pedih bilE disakiti ape lagi kALau dikhiAnAti. tApi Ape bolEh buAt itu takdirNYA. mesti ade hikmAh disebAliknye, yAng kitE tAk tAhu kannn...!!!

dEar jAnie bersabArlAh menghAdapinyA. sertA tAbAhlAh mEngharunginyE..