Wednesday, December 13, 2006

GirlY Eyes....

i'M a Bad sisteR iNdEed. i've Forgotten tO teLL the World that MY belOveD sisTer a.K.a KAk iJaH (to Most of U guys) haD been In the HospitaL fer quite someTime...

She had BeeN in the ObsteTriC waRD for the past 3 weeks Kot. HaViNg some Pre-nataL problems where the baby is tO smaLL to see The world bUt yet tOo Eager to come oUt and to make things worse is that the MummY just couLdn'T take things easilY at work, working her ass oFf around the Clock. that's Why the Doctor decided to puT her in the ward instead.

So basically, she's locked up aT her own work place. waY to Go sis ...!! Tuh laH kerja saMpai taK ingat duNia and now u can at least get some rest and be at work at the same time. How cOol is that ?? The Only difference is that she's now clad in the Purple patient jumper instead oF her stylo Doctor Outfits... hahhahahaha

BearIng aLL mY saRCastics remarks everYtime i drop by fer a visit, suCh as....
- I kNow whY u are In here ... YuP... U'Re tRYIng to saVe oN waTer and EleCTrciTy aT home aren't u ...
- CAn't get eNuf work??? that's Why u decided To move "In to" yer work place ??
- DoCtors are lOosers that sometime they can just call in sick and yet end up at their work place.. (no offence to the all the doctors out there but this is meant to be fer My sisteR onlY..)

So there i was, last sundaY, paying the beloveD siCk sis of mine a visit. TApaU-ed KFC instead oF her requested "Chilis MonteraY ChIckeN"- (daMn this preggY LAdy caN be reaLLy demanding BUt what the HecK, U enD up haVing Chick for LuNcH gaK and Chilis is waY Too much hustle for Me lah sis.. anyway u still have 1 more month to go and there's ample time for me to fulfil yer wishlist by then)....

she was so enGrossed in her DVD marathon and was watching Unggu Violet. Yup the IndoN Movie 'bout the Model and the photographer. Played by dIaN and The haiRY-eyebrows-guy.. what was his name again..haaa.... Rizky Hanggono..

Sis : Na.. have u waTched the MuvI ?
mE: (stuffing mY self wiF KFC chic)'s like sooooo 2005.. where have u been ?
sis : arOund aah bUt didn;t manage to catch the MuvI back then, and luckilY SyeD waS kind enuf to drop bY and bRing me these YummY DVDs (pointing to some Of the DVDs laying on her bed)...
Me: OooOhhh Ok...

5 minutes lateR...after the scene where the Girl (diaN) met with an accident and the champange glass got into her eyes...

sis : BoDoh!!! apesal nak bawak the glass gi tetengah jalan ... kan dah accident !!!
Me : (digging into my whiped potato..)aLAh nak jaDikan cerita..sape lagi bodoh .. dia ke kite yang tGh watch the Muvi nih ??
sis : a'aH ..
Me : Do u want me To tell u the ending ?? (dah Mule kuaRkan tandok!!!)
sis : No!!! i'm watching this!!
Me : alah...later ade Org bagI mate kat dia... hahhahahaha....!!
Sis : shOOT!! now u've just managed to ruin the whole thing....
ME : nope lah ... the question is who ??? sape yang bagi mate kat dia ...
sis : ha'aH la... mamat tuh ye ???
Me : i thought u said that u don't wanna know the ending?? Go figure...
sis : ye lah....
me: here's the thing sis.. place yerself in her shoes.. kalau u were to go blind (touch wood).. and u have a donor, a girl and a guy to choose.. u nak mata siapa?? mata the guy ke mata the girl ??
sis : tah .. the guy kot.. U ??
me : definatelY the girl.. susah Ooo... havIng a Guy's Eyes in a girl's bodY. i'll eNd up being a BiG time pevert. everytime sure nak check OUt other girls Punye Boobs and ass. It's Like u're into guys but yer eyes wonders on the Girls. I'll end up staring at girls in the ladies oR even worse peepinG JAne.. tak ke susah ...
Sis : hahahhahha....!! Twisted but betol gak kan ??
ME & sIS : hahahahhahahhahahahha!!!!!!!!

LuCkY me ... i stiLL haf mY girlY eyes WiF me...*winK*...


tuberose78 said...

aku mmg dah tau kak ijah masuk spital coz gynea aku yang bagitau, dia member kak ijah.. doc amelia. nanti kim salam supaya cepat bersalin kat kak ijah ekk.. hehehe.. tatata

seLf rEstrained... said...

tuBerose 78..
Kak iJAH..akU dah LoCk Up in the hospitaL baGi dia resT cukup2..but now i;m playing the babysitter part ken jaGA babY aRieF....

PeverT!!!ade laK akU nak tGK sendirI pUnye ??? taKmo TukaR maTa aaH ... i prefeR mine...

eN panCIT... i know How to use mY eyes ..maKe iT as useful as possible...Yummylicios Hot bOds guys WiF a bit oF tummY..hahahha
and we know u soOoO daMn weLL that we knOw u've beeN usinG yer GuyisH eyes as well...hahahha... En paNciT puN pevert gaK....