Saturday, December 02, 2006

mY HAndsome and Org MInyaK ...

iF i were to keep a diarY,iT would be named "Handsome".
U know how people will start it with... "Dear DiarY " sO for me it will be like.. "Hi Handsome"...
aFter a tiring daY .. i'll unwind with "my handsome"...
i'll pour myself out to "mY handsOme"...
before gOing to bed... i'll drop bY at "my handsoMe"...
when the daY get tough, i know there's always "my handsome" to talk to...
i'll end my day with a date wif "my handsoMe"..kewl huh ??
But toO bad .. i don't have anY handsoMes at the moment...
BuT iF i were to have one, this is what's Gonna Be in It oN TuesdaY....

Hi hanDsoMe...
work was rather flaT, the normal day-to-day work. Decided To haf dinneR wiF dice and the DoC after work (Nick for Che.. dear IF u dont like It ... let me know!!! ). We had it at San FrancisCo steaK House for a change instead oF the normal chilis as we were on the 20 minutes waiting list and yours truely hate to waIt when it comes to fOoD!!!

BAsicaly, We were updating each other on the Normal "whaT-have-U-been-Up-tO-latelY" stories.
The DoC just got back from her 7 daYs beijing jalaN2 carik makan... OoPpps OR more like, "i haf lots of money to spend and this time it would be in beijing" ... hahahha...
Dice Just came baCk from s'poRE and the Usual..

We had invited "Org MinyaK" to join US for dinner... hurMm this GUy is RAther intresteing as he was my skOolmate and i never eveN talK To him duriNg thoose days. and Now he's Joining us for dinneR. oHhH ya... The Nick ...Org mInyaK,..Cz he's a petrol3Um enG in P3tr0n4s.

sO there we were 4 oF Us enJoyIng dinneR.. talking stuFf and i was shoCked that Org MinyaK caN aCtuallY talk as he dont do that much of talking in skooL at least noT wiF me he don't...

The nite wouldn't be complete without coffee afterwards, so we had coffee at The Beans.stiLL talking... and boy we surely can talk.. tIme does fly on jets when u're having such great fun. the resT Of them called it a daY but nOt for me and The DoC as we had OuR girly talk part 2 in front of her porch. headed home at 1 and later, uPdated MUm wiF mY endless dailY updates.. Mum was rather impressed wiTh org minyak first entrance...

went to bed at 2 that nite with someThing wondering wild in my head...
People saY ... "Don't judge a boOk By it's CoveR.."
when it comes to oRg minyaK, it's definatelY True.. "never judge a BOok By iT's Cover as GOod BOoks Dont really haf gOod covers...
i'm now readIng "org MinyaK"... huhuhuhu...


xazaru said...

0rang m1nyak,


be careful, nanti dier pangkah X at your forehead nanti.


tuberose78 said...

orng minyakk?? sapa ekk?? anyway, kim salam kat doc nanti eaa...

seLf rEstrained... said...

Good Advise DeaR.. i'll kep that in mind. LAst time i check.. still takde laGi and X at mY foreheaD..BiG L ade aah ...

It's fer Me to know and fOr U guys nOt to figure iT ouR... i'll tell the Doc ...she's noW in lanGkawi still in holidaY mOOd...

seLf rEstrained... said...

sUpermaN ...
MInyaK frEe DouBt iT ....
nasik mInyaK laGi jauH panGGanG darI api... cite sabah ???