Friday, December 08, 2006

tOo olD to DrooL....

tHE Girls are having their semester break and getting really bored killing time at home. They eventually haf things planned oUt for alternate days. YesterDAy they folLoweD en tahi and papa SyEd oUt for their 2nd photoshOot.
SyED is having his "SSO" butik portfolio reaDy and insisted En. tahi to snaP some pictures of his models.
The MomenT i paRkeD mY caR into the GAraGe.. i was greatEd wiF theiR non-stoP stoRies...
"BesT KAk iNa"....!!!! and the stories didn't end there as it continued sampai dinner....
During Dinner...iya, janIe and eN. taHi, still wif their photoshoot stories...
"asYraF tu sok..sek..sok ..sek..""baIm nI....sok ..sek...sok..seK.. "
me lost and clueless at that time but definately dOn't wanna be leFt behind...
"asyraF ?? baIm ??? sape TUh ???" *yours TruelY - bluR*.. are they surpose to be some HunK hoT shoT models oR what ??
i Got this as a repLy....
"alaH ...asyraF tUH yanG berlakOn impi4N ily4na tuh aaH kak iNa, baim tu pulak "My teaM" punye plaYEr... hans iss4c kecIk..."
LIke DUH!!! no wonder I taK kenaL...

tOdaY... since i can't get some ShuT eyes moments, i browsed through En taHi's FP. all i can say was WOW!!! eN taHi haf been My aLL time FAV photographer (puji Nih aM.. walaUpUn kO amIK gaMbar kak Na sumeR yanG taK caNtIk!!) bUt this One memang CantIk... i've seeN the Whole Unedited Ones.. but seriousLy this Guy goT talent!!!
taK yaH belajaR pepanDAI waT pe jaDi chemicaL engineer ?? BuaT penaT aje...amIk gaMBar sudaH!!!

kUdOS tO aM..keeP uP the GOOd Work...
Am's Pictures caN be viewed at


amrulkareem said...

nnt.. kalau mau amik. amik je. saya adelah okey saja. haha. ada nama am. uh kembang kembang, lalalalalalal lalalalalal lalalalalal *blushing

seLf rEstrained... said...

am keding yang gedIk....ThanKs Ye...

tuberose78 said...

am nie budak yang amek gambo masa kiter buker puasa itu arik kan? boley tahan gak aku tgk fp dier...

seLf rEstrained... said...

CiK tuberose....

YuP... that's The One....KembanG laGi laH enCik taHi....