Tuesday, August 29, 2006

PinK BooTS PleaSe...

it's all over the papeRs...iT's everY where,,,it's either Siti Or MAwi. kekadaNg naIk bohsan laK..For others it's the time where you wish you could split yer boDy into two..as fer me sinCe i'M don't fancY watching the WeddinG ceremoNy oF those Two love BIrds..bukan Ape Jealous ngan siTi..she TOok My daTo' K...huhuhuh... i opted for AstO instead...
i was Glued to the Tube watching he most awaited confession from both iNa and MAwi...i dont take sides...i"m on the Fence Person...anywaY...soaL jodoh oRg nIh taK YAH naK sibOk2...What i obserVed froM yesterday's iNa & MaWi confessioN was ..MAwi was a bit reServed and INa waS reaLly pouring her heart OUt...bUt i wont be writting bout this furher...

i was Pinned down to the cOuch throughout the whole interview sessioN due tO iNa's graciousness...Despite of her all new and well groomed looks, the Pumpier and Jucier lips, Plucked eye Brows and stuFf...i can't beLieve how sOft spoken she was... Being a so and So MAwi faN ..i have to say that she melted My heaRt away. Dressed in her HeavY Purple Dress wiF overAccessorsed bEads and sequins she's the lime light oF the Nite.
The way she TAlK...caIR beb KAlaU dengaR...eveN rosyaM commented verY time She Answered .."ye banG.." iT will sureLy give shivers to all the Guys yang tGk... It's hard to belive that in this VAst mOvinG world where Female are trying their best To be more dominant or to be at the same par as men in terms of performance, work,financial status etc.... People like her still exisT. SeriouslY the first thing that came tO my mind was ..perempuaN melaYu terakhiR... If u compare me and her..It's Like laNgIT and BuMi..leTs nOt even think of going tHEre...the lasT time i woRe BAJu Kurung sUmer OrG kaT site nearLy fainted...Come To think about it...have i lost my feminine side..?? ...
LookiNg at me Now...all the time clad in mY tees and Jeans..and To make iT worse....saFety BooTs and safeTy haRd haTs..does that make me less feminine .. the way i talk...the way i walk..Hurmmmm... patOt aaH taKde OrG naK...huhuhuhuh....
Resticted to my workiNg naTure being at Site and stuFf..vwhat can i do To make Me mOre Feminine lookiNg??? Paint mY safetY haRd haT PiNk??? PinK safeTy bOots??? addInG 3 inCh feels tO mY saFetY bOots?? hURMmMm....iNtresTINg

Saturday, August 26, 2006

21 +++++++

23rd AUgUST ...the Date which adds another year to my aGe. Well lUckY me that i stop growing at the age of 21..so it's just another "+" sign...*wink*

The day started with pouring birthDay wishes as early as 12:00am...i can't get some decent sleep through out the nite. Thanks To all and hopefully those wishes came true. HAd a small birthdaY dinner at "The ShiP" that nite. The food was awesome as usuaL. SavorinG mY Huge T-Bone SteaK till the last piece of it. all in all it was N.I.C.E..

Che TOld me that Being 28 is a perfect age...It's the "IN AGE".. i marinated" her comments fer a while..give it some thoughts...and i couldn't agree more...

fer me..being 28 symbolized a more matured age..where people tend to listen to u, advises being considered, people take you seriously, in short..it makes me feel old...huhuhu...
whatever it is...i'M happy to be 28...You could tell how happy i am by looking at my "Ear to ear smile" in the picture...looking forward for a brighter year ahead..."welCome 28.."

Thursday, August 17, 2006

DAto K and Siti's Thighs...????

I restrained myself to comment on the most controversial issues and the co called wedding of the year…Yup..”Dato K and SitI”…since dah berlambak sangat storRy about them on the papers and lately, they even make it on the front page… But…I just can’t curb my enthusiasm when I flipped through “The STAR” Yesterday…
The headline was ..”Siti: I’m not a home wrecker ..” don’t care and don’t give a damn bout the home wrecker thingy… it’s so damn obvious but think i should spare my comments…

However … it’s the “thighs” that caught my attention …
The actual clipping was…

Khalid said he first fell in love with Siti after he visited her at her Kuala Lipis home and she was dressed simply in a batik sarong and T-shirt. “For me, it was amazing that a celebrity could be so unpretentious,” he said, adding that when he saw her walking up the stairs, he had strong feelings for her, prompting a reporter to remark:
“When you saw her thighs ...” leaving the room in laughter. …

the paper clipping is here...http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2006/8/16/nation/15154839&sec=nation

EnuF said.. aLErT !!… alert!! .. bIg time PeverT has entered the building … !! well… don’t get me started on the “strawberry and cHoC” thing… to some oF them it’s a match made in heaven.. but tO me… *tOooOt*.. I dare not to pun it in words.. kaNg blog aku nih kena banned laK...(lately kan they are trying to impose rules and regulation on BloGs,, yea rite as iF they are gonna Read mine….)
So I can conclude that GiRls Out there… just throw those branded cloths.. forget ZARA…MNG..TopsHoP..leviS and starT wearINg batik sarongs and T-shirT…it’s the “IN” thing….u’ll be expecting more oF me in mY sarong and tees soon…. BAgI aaH change,,, I want my protion oF DAtos also… *wink*wink*

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

what i sAw on tele - "mY Super sweet 16th"

I'm not a BiG tele watCher.. I watch the tuBe either to kill time or something intresting is on air or Just to join the normal couch potato session with the rest of the family members....

hMmmm..it started a few sAtuRdaYS baCk ... When i joined iYA and JAnie in the TV room and they were WatChIng "My super sweeT 16"...i was puzzled at first ..trying to figure out what is it all about... basically it's a wild ride behind the scene of all the preparations that took part in preparing some rich spoilt kids for their most important coming-of-age birthday celebration - Their sweet 16th b'day bash. It started with the venue selections, music, mCs, photo shots, party invitation, dress, party themes and bla...bla..bla... It features "daMn rich, famous and not to miss out spoiLt bratS"...These teenagers spenT like Limitless moMmy's and daddy's Pennies just to fulfill their wildest 16th B'daY celebration.... most of the bday Girls and boys were presented wif mouth dropping "BMWs..MerC.. and jaGuaR" for their birthday present... well talk about just being damn L.U.C.K.Y...

It's REallY disgusting to sit down and watch these teens spend their parents money just fer a one nite event. well... can't wait to catch the next episod though... hehehheheheh....

Sunday, August 13, 2006

HAppY GraDuatIOn Dr. AdLi...

On sAtUrdaY.. the Whole FAmily gathered to celebrate Adli's Convocation day. SyeD and our Professional Photograper (en Am) was also invited. IT was an enjoyable event. DEwan Tengku canSeloR UkM was packet with proud families yanG came from neaR and far just to celebrate their love ones BiG daY..

AdLi had started his posting at UH (University Hospital). aNOther dOctor is BorN. Welcome to the workiNg worlD brO. Despite of trying his best to potraY the image of a well respected Doctor.. adli being adli.. can't seems to hide the childisH side oF him ...He was seen JumpIng infront of the DEwaN just to get a good convo snaP... couldn't care less on his surrounding and those wondering eyes of other spectators...he was jumping.. leaping his way through the whole photo session. Am joined him just to get the feeL out of it... hehhehe...We are really proud oF U lil brO and aRief's Beloved papa Li.. cOngratS Li....

* i can't seem to uPload the photos here ... will upload the photos once i figured out what's the prob... it may have to do with the person who's trying to upload it... me and IT.. i think u guys know better *wink*wink*

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bigger in siZe....

oTher then feeLIng gOod to be baCK Home.. baCk in Mom's CriB..
i think i gained Weight like Nobody's busineSs.. MoM's place
iS just bout 10 minutes drive to alaManda where all the good
fOods aRe... i'm 10 minutes away from my coFfEe ... i've been
stuffing myself non-stop with all thOse forbiden food. No
excercise at all to sweat all those extra pounds.. extra Pouch and flesh appearing here and there...bY end of the MontH i think i can't fit into the caR anymOre...hmmm..those two muffins wif "sang keding & keding properties" are definately not mine...hahahahah....

Monday, August 07, 2006

aMRul KareeM a.k.a iNcIk taHi's B'daY ...

TodaY we CelebraTed aM's B'daY in aLAmDA..It's His 21st bdaY... SweeT 21.... iYA, janIe, megaT,biRthdaY boy and yours truelY was there..aDli haVE other pLAns....WE haD 21 MuFfIns instead of THE cONventional BdaY CAkes..LookIng aT tHEm, mysleF terase tUa laK... aNYwaY ...HAPpY 21st B'day Am...