Thursday, September 28, 2006

i haVe rocks...

i'Ve alWays remembered The First tiMe i met him baCk in 2004. It was My first week aT the new place and i Bumped Into Him in saFetY depaRTmenT. HurMM... GOod LokiNg Clean CuT and all. KInDda HaVe this HindusTaN Look gOINg oN. ...
"BUdaK baNgI Ye ?? " i was like "NoPe.. KajanG...!!!".. that's hOw iT Started.

Then came the buke pose Dinner in oRaNge taMan U. Me beinG Bold aS always...just can't keep my mouth shuT the Moment i step into his BMW...
"keREta Yer FAtheR Ke ???"
he was stoned fer awhile then answered...
"taK laH..and Why??"...
tryInG my Best tO hiDe mY LAughter i kinDda replied...
"taK aaH ...maCAm kereta OrG tUa"....
aT that MomenT i KNew that we managed To pass the "iCe Breaking Session" with flying colors...

We haD OuR fuN Times...endless teh taRiK sessioN, secret recepie faCE StuFfing, BOok time in MPh, balIk kaMpunG Trips, Movies ...I jusT LuRve the tIme when we hangout at the fire escape staircasE wAiting fer movie to start while having the regular fag "Time to kill ourself Session".

No matter what the Topics weRe, We alwaYs manaGe to find something to taLk aboUt. NoT to mentIOn OUr daIlY LuNCh naP when we use To sleeP In the
ClinIC. TuCkeD in mY bUnkeR.. he prefers the oTheR high One. FrOm One tOpiC tO the OtheR until we eventuallY dozed OFf.

theRe were Times When We kinDDa wenT oUR separate Ways For a while.. BuT that doesn't last feR lonG... despite OUR diffeRenT believes, opinion, attitude, judgement, point of view we kinDda "Clicked" in ouR OwN way...

I always RemembereD JoHN C's last words ...."U make Sure U jaGA Adik U tuH"....

LAst week i met him before He went ofF To Pontian...heard that he managed To get himself into raNhiLL and will be posted in sabaH.. he finallY tendered his resignation from zelan yesterdaY. hopiNg for all the Best iN His FuTuRe .....

When U wanT water, RocK is Useless..but it's the most important thing to keep everything from flying away. ...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'M tOo yOuNG to be a LAzY buM....

LookiNg arouNd MY smaLL caBIn..what to do nexT??i've hanGGEd all the ConstructIOn draWings, FileD aLL related "Request For iNspeCtIOns" Forms, Gone Though all the "MethoD StatemenTS", Progress Claim VerifIEd. What tO DO NeXT ???
HUrmm.. Once in a whiLe U caN see My head PoPpING OuT oF the Site caBiN LookINg at the site from afaR. MY DailY InspectIon wont be untiL 3-4 O'clock in the AfternOON where the Sun is REaLlY on tOp oF yeR heaD. ZelaN haF this WaY oF niCeLY treaTiNG me bY arranging aLL the Site inspeCtIon at 3. TheY thinK thaT that wiLL helP Me to aChive a gOod TANned SkiN.. YuP... aS hell iT would... Now i'M stripes all oveR.. putIh separuH hitam sepaRuH ...

After 6 yearS OF heCtiC workiNG life, i came to a POinT where It slowed down In pace.The Site Progress aRE reaLly slow when it comes to m & E. They should really back up iF not i'll be spending day and night at site later, during the last leg of construction where testing and commissioning will take place simultaneously just to capture the hand over dates.

as for Now...i think i'm slowlY TuRnIng mYselF oR to be more accurate adapting the "Goverment ServanT" working sytle. I'M Too YoUNg To be a LAZy BUM though. HAVE Been oCcupying myself with games, BlOG readInG, Extra Dosage OF InteRneT sUrFiNg and Now i'Ve tUrn To REAdInG. HAvE been HoOked tO Jodi PucoulT "The PaCt". Life where work is concerned iS ratheR sLow. it's a TotaL opposite oF taNjuNg BiN where I can'T eveN siT doWN and read the papeRs. kinDda Missed the HectIc LIfe baCk theN.
MaK on the Other haNd haVe beeN Pushing me To starT My PE write UP. BuT as usuaL Me anD MY oTaK seminiT and sUpeR DupeR last minuTe Sytle have Decided To give mYseLf a breaK and Just enJoY the Ample Free time that i crave for soO long.

HOpe This "laZy Bum" sessioN wiLL phase ouT soon iF Not i oughTta find MyfelF a New JoB as this One IS sO slOw in PACE that It Kills me....

Lurve The PiCture...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

my mOrning daTe...

been tUnInG To HiTz laTelY. I stopped lisTing to HiTz when i was posted in JB which was last 2 years as i dont like listeNing to all those events and fUn things that i would be missing back in KL. nOw waKiNg up tO the MoRning CreW kindda Get me Off the Morning bLues.... finding myself gigGling alone in the caR while driving to work... people Might think that I'M craZy but whatdaheCk...i haf the MorninG crew wiF me... !!!

TheiR version oF "Mat RempiT" terikaYi boYS tOkYo driFt kinDDa Get TO me. The "GotCha" sessIoN aRe Top noTcH Superb (hUrMmm.,...Who shaLL i inClude In the list?? *thinking very-very hard*)...

DEspite oF haViNg JJ and RuDy to fiLL in mY "oH-i'M-daMn-LaTE-fOR-woRk-mOring-Drive" session i kindda Miss the Old Morning Crew, FlYgUy and LIL keV ...bUT thaT waS histORy as For nOw i'll settle For mY "daIlY date" wiTh the MorninG CreW...KeeP IT Up Guys....

Saturday, September 09, 2006

to LOVe and to be LoVeD....

I'M viewing someone else's Love LIfe...Since i caN'T haF My own for the Time beiNg. i've been PampeRING mYSELF with all those LoVe sTory DVDs.. YuP mY DvD maNIa maRATHOn is baCK.

I've JusT finished watching ..thE Lake House, MisTreSS oF sPice, Click, Devils wears prada (halF way Cz the DAmn dVD stUcked), My super ex-girlfriend and latest to the list is Step up. I'M a biG supPorter to all those DVDs aH Longs as i dont have that much Money to spend on Original DvDs NoR Time tO go through all those traFiC just ending up with the Long qUE at the cinema (well..the Cinema oNline might be a bIG help but with mY "otaK seminiT" these online BOokIng won't make anY gOOd) nOr i have any decent movie partneR to go with.

I came To the POiNT in life where i wish that iF Only GOD could RE-live the feELiNg oF Love in Me.. To Love and To be Loved...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

two GUys, A girL and Hard RocK....

The Title FoR the POst todaY ala-ala sitcOm "two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place".... : )

Had OUR ex-CmP get togetheR last Nite at HRC. EveNthough not Everybody are invited (since jenoH StiLL stuckeD in JB...ishk2..keCiaN...But we'll make sure Once u're Up and running in KL ..u'll be in the lisT tOo...) as for the resT oF theM... aU..iNtaN..etC.. i kinDDa Lost contact But haVIng the Three oF Us pun daH KinDda Fill the Quota.

having pak mat and Ting for dinneR was splendid. It has been a while since i last met ting. He's now the electrical principal engineer in MeinhaRdT and extremelY buZy wiF work samPAi nak shave Pun takde mase..he's kIndda Cute with his new MUstache lOok..paK MAT pUlaK the On the Other hand, laTe as UsuaL but YummY as eveR..can'T helP but noticed the Well shaped bOD..he's been hitting the GYm laTelY...HUrMmMM....

HoT TopiCs that was dicussed during the Dinner basically lingers bout work...intan ...NoH (beb SorrY kitoraNg nGumpT lu...).. BAngkok trips... INdoNesia..and as usuaL bout CMP (which was our previous company)....

despite oF we are alreadY in HRC and DV8 is performing... we didn't staY fer the Live BAnd sessioN due to the following reason...
1. TiNg haVe to be baCk in the Office To settle His outstandinG mall design..
2. PAk maT haF to caTcH a TRain back to PJ as he have handed over The Volvo back to En aRUl and...
3. mE... I haf to retire earLy as i have To be in sUbang airpoRt earLy in the Morning...

we'll make Sure the neXt get-togetheR will be Till the wee hours of the dAy...

Monday, September 04, 2006

OH maK Ko...!!!

JUsT came BacK FrOm LaTe Nite SupPEr WiTh My wondErfUl primarY sKooL Buddies...DatiN RoSe and HAiRieZ dA PimP.BeB.. i teLL You this two peps are ReaLy Top notCh when iT comes To "melataH"...PAnTAnG keNA CucuK...Unpreditcable words kuaR dari muluT dioranG and sometimes...IMplusive Acts Pun aDE..We seriouslY Brought the house this case ..the kedai down.AfTEr 2 hours of non stop laUghter and Sessi cucuk mencucuk... mY jaws are now numb dUe to Over dosage of laughiNg..We will be havInG this CheekY get-together again neXt weeK...

MAliNdO ROCk....

GoT 2 media TikeTS For maLindO Rock concert at MoUnT Kiara. THanks To ZZ eRa...However Due to the ShoRt notice and unpredictable wheater ..looks like macam nak Ujan malam Tuh ....HairieZ laK Demam and i haF no one To go wiTh...

i decided To Give those TiCKets tO aM... why waSte those pRiceless TickeTs. AnyWaY aM tOok soMe GreaT PicTures oF eLLA.. as requesteD By me ...

to jenoH deaRie... bile beb nak Gi tGK shOw eLLA kaT planeT laGiK ?? Can'T belive that we were On The taBle throughout the whole sHow... Those Were the GOod TimeS...