Saturday, September 01, 2007

mAmAsU's Big daY...

it was as if yesterday janie was filling up her UPU forms, running around clueless figuring what campus life is all about..and now, her gradUAtion....CongRats to mamAsu a.k.a Janie ..soRRy darL kak na can't attend and i managed to kidnap mak abah and abg li and bring them here. TApi takpe.. nanTi jaNie pUnye BIG convo day kak na JAnji.. i'll be there. iYa's Convo is due next yaer..weLL..weLL..weLL.. see how fast my darlinGs grew up. i'M proud tO have the honour of beinG yer biG sister.

as for janie.. U managed to go through the first hurdle in life..there's much more to come.. Congrats agaIn

p/s.. Saya sangat suke iTu gambaR..saya suke..saya suke..


Anonymous said...

u have been tagged by me.. see details at mine... bab hantaran tu bila...nantila bila ina balik kita sembang k...

Anonymous said...

saya juga suka itu pix