Saturday, August 26, 2006

21 +++++++

23rd AUgUST ...the Date which adds another year to my aGe. Well lUckY me that i stop growing at the age of it's just another "+" sign...*wink*

The day started with pouring birthDay wishes as early as 12:00am...i can't get some decent sleep through out the nite. Thanks To all and hopefully those wishes came true. HAd a small birthdaY dinner at "The ShiP" that nite. The food was awesome as usuaL. SavorinG mY Huge T-Bone SteaK till the last piece of it. all in all it was N.I.C.E..

Che TOld me that Being 28 is a perfect age...It's the "IN AGE".. i marinated" her comments fer a while..give it some thoughts...and i couldn't agree more...

fer me..being 28 symbolized a more matured age..where people tend to listen to u, advises being considered, people take you seriously, in makes me feel old...huhuhu...
whatever it is...i'M happy to be 28...You could tell how happy i am by looking at my "Ear to ear smile" in the picture...looking forward for a brighter year ahead..."welCome 28.."

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