Saturday, October 14, 2006

buRsting ButtOns...

mY IFtaR sessIon aRE fuLLY bOoKed until raYe.. TRying mY best tO make myself available to attend all of it and still have 9 more days to go. LAst week itself, i've been all around town for buke pose from nasik lemak ciTy garden to Nasik AyaM Ching Meng Bukit bintaNG to MadaM kwaN then the shiP and yesterday it ended in The CoasT alamanda. Despite of all those hectic iftar schedule i still prefer to buke pose at home where it's c.O.Z.Y and c.O.M.f.O.r.T.A.b.L.e.

With all those buke pose buffet that i have attended and yet to attend i doubt it that i can still fit into my BAJu raye. can'T wait to lit up those pelita at Home. lOoKing forward to the last leg of RAmadaN. SooN we'll be greatinG "MaRhaBAn YA Eid"...

Picture courtesy of *thanks*


seLf rEstrained... said...

as for me ...confirm Dear..where shall we haf it... ??? nanti i confirmkan ngan Brur brur...

seLf rEstrained... said...

aparaH Korang nih ,...

It's Gonna Be me..diCe and Brur Brur aje.. the ChiCkeN sUrelY fLew aLreaDy ... that's what i call chicken oFf...BUt we'll surelY will haf lots oF chicks iN chilis this fridaY ..monterY chickss..yum...yum....

silly me said...

i don't know, i am still trying to get chicken in on friday, but i think ina is right, flew off already...

silly me said...

well, i have just spoken to him NOW!!! and he said tak boleh, sbb ader appointment lain, and he said monday... i really don't know... i am giving up... or am i?

the name says it all, i am brur as can be...