Wednesday, April 15, 2009

how to screw up your nasi lemak 101...

we got this complicated-multifunction looking rice cooker as our wedding gift and had been using it ever since. Being not much of a cook myself, i only use it utk masak nasik even though it can cook other stuff namely, sushi, steamed veggie, grains, porridge and the list goes on and on.

last Saturday we decided to invite some close friends for brunch. Menu of the day were nasik lemak, sambal ikan bilis, butter prawns, ayam goreng berempah and those standard telor, ikan bilis goreng, timon & kacang goreng...

being very ambitious...i decided to cook the rice in one go..10 pots for 8 people...surprisingly muat lak periok tuh.. Impressed with the rice cooker ability to fit in that large amount of rice i let it set and moved on to the rest of the food preparation ..litte that i know that i made a very big mistake.. big,,big,,,huge..huge mistake..

30 minutes passed, .nasi tak masak2..give it another 10 minutes *thinking to myself*..
yet still nasik tak masak-masak...

we decided to move on to plan B...masak nasik putih..hahhahaha..

even though at the end we did managed to cook the nasi lemak but i was rather disappointed that it didn't went as gracefully as i expected..

lesson learned ...never ever ignore the "MAX NOS. of cups" indication on your rice cooker..

P/s…rayyaN turned 4 months yesterdaY…

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