Saturday, November 18, 2006

My new PaRtneR in CriMe....

lasT week was rather hectic.HQ haf selected our SIte to be aUdited bY Sirim. Been tidying uP all those lose ends on the paper work, however Alhamdulillah the AudiT wenT well. all the
Big bosses and even the chairmen was at site. Kindda Kewl to have the opportunity to hang out wif the Big bosses once in a while. We were treated lunch at C0nc0rde as a token of apprecation on the effort that we've chipped in to ensuRe ISO was implemented at site.
the Ch4irmen Reminded me to expedite on My P3 submission and my new dateline is on next Thursday as he'll be waiting for my submission to "The b04rd 0f enGin33rs" BY ThUrsdaY.
WOW... instead of having my Own-self dateline, nOw i haF one of the leading man in "the b04rd" fixing my datelines... CooL But at the same Time JAdi pressure laH pulaK....

Hurmmmm... on a lighter note..
Lia is In town For 2 months.. she's now reporting to Z3lan HQ for some extra Visa WorK.

Che's BAck in maLAysia for good (i assume..), yet to haf our normal "button bursting" dinner and coffee sessioN but met those two lovebirds once over "teh tariK sessioN" last weeK.

NAjIb enlightened us wiF his ratheR depressing life in S4baH in his "life in s4baH" mail which least welcomed most of our reply as we ended up discusing his state of virginity rather than his s4baH life : P

aLIa and janIe are now lazing at home as they Just completed their final ExaMS and now planning for their holiday getaway..I dont think they will get any overseas trip this holiday as mak and abah is going to bandung and china soon and Those two adorable spoiled brats (hehehhe..) have been almost's high time they spend some quality time at home wiF babY arief...

Me on the Other hand had been plaNNIng mY LoNg awaited HolidaY getawaY as well.. BeeN lOokIng forwaRd to GO To auSsie, BuT MY lil cousin aKi balIk for summer HOls laK and mak kaTa summeR there is uNbearable. sO haFta waiT untiL aKi gi sana BalIk and theN Kak iNA wiLL joiN him sOOn. pulling the brakes on the "all geared up Self GetawaY to aUSsi3" and put it on hold for the Time Being...

Running Low on the DVds dosage..Time for a quick "petaling street" Fix Up. this weekend basicallY i'LL be iN petaling street lookiNg for DVds while sippiNg in "the Famous aIr mata Kucing". lOOKINg forwarD to a greaT weekend...hOpe that U'll haf a great One too...

..... oH YA... mY New PArtneR In CrIme WheN iT Comes To CoFfEe ADDict....

1 comment:

Lieya said...

Wahhh... baby ayiep p0n dah pandai minum c0ffee ke kak na. Hmmm b0lehlah mama lia itut cekali kalau baby Ayiep nak pegi nanti. hmmm tapi baby ayiep xleh minum bebanyak la kak na... nanti baby ayiep susah nak tut tut tutttt... macam tu ari....eheheheh syian ayiep.