Thursday, November 09, 2006

RaIniNg ????

aLL i can say thaT it's raIninG meN on my side of the worlD... *kewL huh???*


silly me said...

haha, heard about all your dates... so how did it go?

silly me said...

aiyo... the 30 days challenge is back? gasp!!!!

anyway, have a good time looking, and have fun gurl!!!

seLf rEstrained... said...

so it's On the front page oF the papers Huh ??? thanks TO en BinjaI (shuk's new nick) now the whole World knew..

JenoH...not the 30 days mencarI chenta aGAin..that was so 2004....

aiyaRk,,,nothing still clueless..anYwaY dicE met one oF theM...ask him theN....

silly me said...

dear me, count me in... i want in, but guys, can you wait? well, if you can't wait, then go ahead without me, sob... i'll be away the whole of next week... so if you are going for coffee, next week pleaze...

and dice, if you are going to form a committee, count me in as well, i am the "planner" remember... i am quite good at weddings tooo....