Thursday, April 26, 2007


The Big Blow hole...

stiLL The Big Blow hole...

The small One...

for the rest of you who are wondering... yup i'm stiLL much alive ..Alhamdulillah...slowling easing in still homesick tho' but hopefully it will phase out soon.
work slowly catching up on pace but i'm still haven't allowed to be on the "site ground" as i need to undergo one more safety induction course under n3w South w4les..*banyak betol kerenahNye* Hopefully i'll get it done bY next week. Lelama terperok dlm site office adalah sungguh membohsankan.

Today's anzac day in Australi4. It's Something like "hari pahlawan in malaYsi4. Got the day off. I was hoping to stay longer in bed but my biological body clock still went off at 5am..shooT!!

Did most of my laudry, nasib baik ade dryer as it rained the whole day yesterday and there's not much sun laTely. BY 11 i was already bored.gOtta Send Swee Zhe oFf for her church picnic by the lake as i need to use the caR (lupe lak nak bagitau..we are on car pool basis. Two person per car). Went for coffee at abg harris house.

Later part of the day i went to kiama (again) to see the Blowhole..the name says it all.. It's a Hole that Blows...hehehehe...*nak tau lebih2 google it up..what you think i work for nation4l g3ografiC ke ?? was waithing for the 20m bolw but the tide and wind was not that strong yet we managed to catch some big bLows though.

auntie min, auntie zizah and her whole family would be coming to sydney on Thursday and they are bringing along tV3 Crew for the "saLAm perantau" shooting (did i get the name right ? if i'm not mistaken aah..alaH those thing that they air on RAye night tuh...*whatever the name is*).
So most likely i'll be in sydney for the weekends and if yours truely terasa macam nak publicity murahan, i'll join the shooting as well.

hurmmm...let me see,do i need to prepare a script for this??

The usuaL ones that you noRmally see on Tv would go something like this...
"saya Tanggang anaK durhaka yang membawa diri ke negeri orang putih nih ingin mengucapkan selamaT hari raye maaf zahir batin kepada mak tanggang dan keluarga2 tanggang yang lain. KAlau makan ketupat tuh ingat2 lah tanggang disini"...

but mine would go something like this instead..." maK... Nak baLIk.."....hehehhehee...

BAsicallY other than going there to visit my auntie, uncle and to get to know 3 of my cousins that are living in sydn3y itself, i'm there to fetch my special delivered Santa bag...i've forwarded my very2 long wish list to Mamito earlier and can't wait for all the gOodies to arrive in sydney *thanks Mak*hugs*

BEfore i forgot,my warmest thanks goes to kak ijaH for the best farewell gift ever.She've created for me. Thanks sis... Jangan Lupe jaga my babies baiK2 and bile nak pulangkan those 2 adorable brats To mamaNa ??

ha...daH...dataNg jejauH dok tulis bloG aje...nak tuliS bloG kaT malaysi4 pun BoleY...*wink*


Anonymous said...

yO MamaNa...

jejjalan sakan nampka...x jumpe kangarOo ke??aufa nak pesan sekor bley??
U're welcOme **smiLe*...tapi minggu nie sorry takde new post streamyx problem at that house of mine...Ariff did repeatedlty said..MamaNa this..MamaNa that..on & off...take care!!
(p/s : blowhole to klu letak nbenda atas die sure best kan ?? try ahh!!* prakk enuff tak ?*hehehe

mr.pancit said...

wey naa... ada la topic nie... cuba ko tgk aaa balik...

u've been logging on blogspot in diff foreign language is it? i'll try to ask around my it buddies how to resolve that...

wey.. sup-ekor is urs or k.ijah???

seLf rEstrained... said...

mr. pancit...
iT's kak iJah.. i reaLly hate bl()gging here .. dah lah alien instruction,pastuh uploading terrible. i've posted numerous time but tak appear2 gak ... ishk...KuatkanlaH imankU Ya AllaH ...bakaR bloG nih kang.. *sabaR..saBAr*