Monday, April 06, 2009

going back in time~heritage v1llage~

*click picture for bigger view*

i'm trying as much as possible to explore what abu dhabi have to offer while i'm here. so last weekend we went to the Heritage village. apparently it's listed as one of the "10 things to do in abu dhabi". kekononye you can go back in time to the old days of abu dhabi before oil was discovered and those skyscrapers were build. The place is nice, it's just that there's no explanation boards or what so ever. so you have to figure out things on your own or better still make your own story for it... *which we did*..rayyan was a darL as he slept beautifully in his pram most of the time.


Lieya said...

Wuiyooooo cantekkknyeee tempat k.Ina pegi. Kat mane tu???

seLf rEstrained... said...

lia..dedekat sini...ade tempat nama herigate village,,,datang aah sini...

Lieya said...

Warghhh hajat dihati nak pegi tapi ape kan daya mase belum mengizinkan lagi... Hehehehhhh...