Monday, February 18, 2008

not yet...

My fav response to most of the que That were asked to me lately would be "belom lagi".
Na Card kawen dah siap?
- belom lagi
Baju kawen dah tempah?
-belom lagi
Caterer dah confirm?
-belom lagi
Borang nikah dah hantar?
-belom lagi
Dah pilih pelamin?bunga Telor?hantaran's concept?buat slide? Confirm dewan?guest list?make up artist? Baju family?bilik pengantin?all the decors?fresh flower? Pengapit?
Belom lagi...Belom lagi...Belom lagi...Belom lagi...Belom lagi...Belom lagi...Belom lagi...Belom lagi...

Ive mastered the art of thaichi-ing all the question.. The trick is to answer it gracefully without any guilty feeling..

At times i can even managed to make the questioning party felt as if they were to be blamed..

33 days left to my big day and yet i can say that almost nothing is near to ready....

Freaking out?
Tak lah *pulling off all my hair with my trembling hands*

Pressure used to bring out my best rainbow colors..
It only brings out my best thunders. Stress has taken its toll on me...

Tapi engak apa pak..biar saya ke jakarta dulu nih nanti udah pulang nnt bru pikir lagi ya... Daaaa

Saturday, February 16, 2008

200 f*****g 8

46 days past the new year...
as for most people they would be jumping in joy...
but for me... i'm faR oFf from beinG pleased..

aloT haf haD happened...
yEt little were acompilsed...

task which was once effortless are now seen ardous...
have i lost my flair ???have i lost my touch ??
people say hitting the Big 30 makes you wiser.. smarter.. shaRP ..
doubt it that it applies to me...

it took me 46 F*#@!g (mind the French) days to come Up with a new post for my long lost dying blOg
dont even get me started on the new years resolution as i might need another 2008 years to come up with one...

weLL people i reaLLy hope that it's not too late for me to be merry and jolly and making new year shout out
eventhough you had just celebrated VAl's day yesterdaY... aLaH .. i'm only 46 days To late...
happY freaKiNg 2008 everYboDY ...

sORry.. yours Truly woke uP on the wrong side oF the BED...
and mind the FrencH...