Tuesday, October 31, 2006

LivInG the MomEnts....

You know How u cauGht yourself blushing eveRy time Seeing some kissing scene in your faV movie. All Curled Up in yer sofa, dressed up in yer peejaYs, HuGgiNg yer teDdy, smiling alone at the Tele, embracing those MomenTS as If it was U there in the scene. Che Mentioned something like.."caUghT in the MomenT"....iF that's The caSE .. i'Ve beeN caUght UP in Lots OF momenTS laTelY. i'm oveR mY "prisOn bREAK drOOLiNg sessOn"- thanks To Che agaIN ...

DiggiNG intO the Girl's DVD collection bacK home, i found adli's oLd OC DVds. Yup call me back dateD, lapse in time but i haven't seen the full episode yet and now i'm halfway through the 1st session..moving on to 2nd season sOon. u're never tOo old to enjoy teens series rite? despite oF the idea that it only makes me feel nannY Old and how could noRmaL people ever fit in into those size 4 jeans??? hehehhe....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

eiD ediTiOn

tumMy fiLLed wif KetupaT and RendaNgs, overdosage OF kuIH raYe and FriZzy Drinks all in all, raYe waS wonderFuL. haViNg said that i'M slowLy draGgInG mY feeT to work todaY.

BeiNG a KaMpungless persOn.. raYe was celebrated moderateLy for aLi's ClaN this YeaR. The NormaL sesI masaK2 a daY before resUlteD yOUrs TruelY to be lightheaDed afTErwaRds but still thaT didn't manage tO suppressed mY raYe mOod. This yEar ouR yearlY "lasT minute JAlaN TAR sHoppinG sessIOn" was brought forwaRd due to the raIN and abaH's Strong objecTion on haviNg his beloVed son and DAughters ouT beRSesaK2 in jalaN TAr on MAlam raye ItselF.

On the FirsT daY oF raye.. We weNt round SelanGor visiting relaTives, Cik shaM's House in serenDaH and Uncle NordiN's House in KeM baTu kanTomeN. As or the resT oF the RAye We just laZed arouD at HoMe... BAbY AriEF is Now Full time In aTok's and NeneK's CrIb. HAving the Whole House to himselF, he seriouslY OccupiED most of our time.

Work on the other hand are rather slow. site is still in it's raye Mood and the evening Rainining session makes it even worst. It's not tOo laTe To wiSh ALL of u a haPpy eiD and fOr thOse Who pass BY banGI.. Do drOp By.. mY house Is aLwaYs OpeN .....MarhabaN ye Eid....

Saturday, October 14, 2006

buRsting ButtOns...

mY IFtaR sessIon aRE fuLLY bOoKed until raYe.. TRying mY best tO make myself available to attend all of it and still have 9 more days to go. LAst week itself, i've been all around town for buke pose from nasik lemak ciTy garden to Nasik AyaM Ching Meng Bukit bintaNG to MadaM kwaN then the shiP and yesterday it ended in The CoasT alamanda. Despite of all those hectic iftar schedule i still prefer to buke pose at home where it's c.O.Z.Y and c.O.M.f.O.r.T.A.b.L.e.

With all those buke pose buffet that i have attended and yet to attend i doubt it that i can still fit into my BAJu raye. can'T wait to lit up those pelita at Home. lOoKing forward to the last leg of RAmadaN. SooN we'll be greatinG "MaRhaBAn YA Eid"...

Picture courtesy of http://azryshah.fotopages.com/ *thanks*

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

GenG laTaH strike baCk!!!!

RamadaN nih maK kaTa taK baIK gelak-gelak, bulan baik hari baik ni kena behave!! But who can resist iCED white coffee & mouth watering roti bakaR at Kopi Tiam While LAUGhing yer heart ouT enjoying those "melaTaH" session With mY primarY skool sweetheart - adorable HAireez da Pimp and datIn RoSE...
yuP... GenG laTAH Strike baCk!!! We mET uP for late supper at KopitiaM in tesco. HAD few rounds of good laugh while sipping our coffee. Hope tonight i'll be laughing in mY sleeP pulaK...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

tO sLeeP oR to crY??

Picture this.. u woke up from sleep one day and found out that u're actually crying. u're really2 sad..sobbing..with tears flowing from your eyes... what are u gonna do ?? continue crying or wipe those tears and go back to sleep ???

aLia told me that i cried duRinG my sleep. This happend not only once, but twice for the past 1 week. i can't recall of having any bad or even sad dreams lately. here i am trying to figure out what makes me so sad that i even cried in my sleep ? a bit worried.. mcm psycho lak .. am i "sick"?? emotionally unstable ? nothing new to that ..

Tried to search for some explanation why this thing happened and maybe any solutions to avoid this thing from repeating itself. but can't find anything on the net that can enlighten me and put my worries at bay. Most of the write ups are for babies. baby? me? baby no more...

hurmmm.. its 12:00 o'clock and i can't sleep. to worried that i might be crying again ??? well i'll make sure this time i have spare kleenex nearby...

cHiliS & maCY

aLhaMDulillah completed yet another week of ramadaN without much hussle. lAst week was not that hectic. FaMA dah baLIk from umrah.aside from mak having her "Ella- like" voice...Both of them are in gooD healTH.

Had MY iFtaR with pak maT in Chillis KLCC on WednesdaY. This Time TinG can't join us as he was seriously buzzy with oFFice Work. "MAS MAt" filleD me in on his jakaRta trip forbiddeN stories. "iYA... GuE eNggaK bisa NgomonG lebIh2 ... bagi GUe...as LoNG aS U'RE haPpY gUe TuruT haPpY ya maS maT ..."!!

SaturdaY was the highlight of the week as janie had sprained her ankle the night before and requires further check up to insure no broken/ crack bones. Lukily nothing severe. LAter in the afternooN, We went to MAcY in SerdaNG to get some curtains for Mak..Earlier, we planned to buy it in jalaN TAR, we changed ouR mind last minute as we can't manage to find any parking spot. JAlaN TAR in on a satURdaY bulan ramadan lak tuh ... what do u expect ????

we have to settle with something slightly expensive than what we had in mind. HoweveR MAK reaLLy deserve the besT. foUnd a nice PIece of readY made CuRtaIn wiTH GoOd faBriC and NiCe design, wonderful colors.. not To mUcH .. just perfect for raye.
i managed to get some fabriC for mY rooM CurtaIn. saw this RetrO lOoKiNg piece..felT in love with it the moment i was it and it's really cheap... RM5/meter. well i guess i'll be having my RetrO lOOkINg Room for raye theN...

Picture courtesy of http://fareastfcet.fotopages.com/ *thanks*

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

RAmaDAN MubaraK...

FirStlY... MarhaBAn ya RAmadaN..

It's the 10th day oF pUAsa and the 1st blog enTry for ramadan.
People say that during ramadan.. "setaN kena Ikat ".. is it so ?? i don't think mine are tied down properly then... for the past 1 week i've been having this unstopable craving fOr coffee at odd times...
pukul 4 petang tetibe teringin nak minum coffee... and yet i'm fasting... time buke pose tak teringin lak ... the craving will then strike back after terawih which is around 10:30... and the nearest starbucks iS in aLAmanda that closes around 10.. dont think i can manage the drive to bangsar alone just to haf my cuppa. Gile ke ape ?

It has been going on fer a week and last nite, i just couldn't bear it anymore.. i went for my
"coffe hunt" around bangi at 10:30...KNowing the fact that i cant find any starbucks or coffeebean outlets in bangi.. i settled for San FranCisco piZZa instead. There i was at 10:45pm, siPpInG a cheaper and less tasty version of "iCe blended MoCha" while having a long-distance call with aBaH on the fone... (oh...lupe lak, FaMA is in MekkaH performing their Yearly ramaDaN UmraH TriP)..

RamadaN is ratheR flaT this yeaR as FaMA decided to haf their umrah trip in the early part of Ramadan. OH Ya... My MAId baRu saMpai "kak UswaTul hasanaH"- nice name huh ?? and since the Bibik is available, BabY arief is here during daylight. kinDDa KewL to haf him around.. taught (oR more on spoiling) him with new vocabs sucah as "wickeD".. "abaH GI sMoke".. "i'm
soRRY"..and we even managed to get him to sing "my Love" song. melentUr buluh biar dari rebUng..iNdoN rules... Later in the evening i'll bring him to the playground..."aYeP..JoM gi
playground kite g carik awek".... and he would be rushing for the door...

Nickie dearest is now playing cupid.Trying to matchmake Me with this guy from her office. U can read more on the overall cupid plans at http://www.my-silly-blog.blogspot.com . I chicken out the moment i read dear nickie's blog... call me a coward..call me what ever u want but JusT having the idea of being matchmake gives me goose bumps... GAve UP relationships two years ago..

weLL enuf said.. wishing u a happY ramaDaN MubaraK ..