Wednesday, January 14, 2009

updates from confinement land...

greetings from the land of confinement where pilis, param, bengkong, ikan haruan ,manjakarni, air serum, kayu sepang.. rule the land. 14 days to go to end my confinement period. been counting days. bila lah nak habis pantang nih..time stood still when u're in misery..frankly's not that bad..bearable lah

Alhamdulillah ..lil-rayyan's akikah was held last saturday and it went weLL..

tOdaY lil-rayyan genaP sebulaN...

papa's Going back this saTurdaY...*soB*soB*soB*...

*still in my "No-Blogging-mOod" will update once i get my mood back*

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