Thursday, July 01, 2010

back to normal ...

hasil ketidak-creative-an saya... my blog layout was a disaster for nearly 3 weeks.
and yes... tangan gatal nak click itu ini hasilnye all my sidetabs went downwards and i can't even change the backgrounds and etc...

a few helping hands (cik lia and others..time kasih) didn't manage to cure the severe damage done.

tapi berkat kesabaran menanti mamaSu pulang dari kursus BTN and her JAkarta (berjimba-jimba) trip, wallah's now back to normal and not only that with extra effort, berjaya menceriakan the layout.

thanks darL.nanti saya suruh abg ipar anda tebalkan sedikit angpau dihari raya :)

luv u..


Lieya said...

Heee akhirnyeeee...

binx said...

hey u...
sorry for the delay in replying ur facebook msg.

I have just re-commenced blogging (have restricted access to my blog for almost a year now).

feel free to drop by ya!