Sunday, July 16, 2006

L.A.Z.Y M.E. . . . .

THe BoX haD beeN sitting On mY beDroom Floor for 3 DAys and it haven'T move an IncH. By now i should Be going through it to start On mY PE papErworks and yet all i've done is slOwlY flipping though my logbooks. I'm struggling to recall back all the previous working experiences starting from 1999. My REM is nOt capable oF tracing bacK all those backdated histoRy especially when iT concerns work.

My first project as a Design EngineeR cum Consultant was MBSB developemnt in Sungai Besi. AiyaRKkk... aPe akU nak write dLm Professional Experience report nih...that was like 6 years back. ishkkk... how i wish i can Upgrade mY REM.. hehehhehe....

"The primary function of Design Engineers is to make things difficult for the fabricator and impossible for the serviceman"


superman said...

aku rasa ko nk tulis RAM instead of REM

silly me said...

i thought i was the only one on board... looks like i got companion... me was trying to figure out what planning was all about too... *chuckle*

seLf rEstrained... said...

DiCe ...
SoRrY .. it's NoT fEr saLe.. mY treaSure caRpet tUH .. DOk berebOT nGAn Kak IjaH ..have been usinG iT darI 3 YEaRs oLD..OKeY.. oKEy ... stOopId ME... It's surpose to be RAM ..sO sue me ... lalallala baLik ...How cOme My comments taKde REplY ??
*aNxioUSlY waIting*.. hmmmm

SukeR kO YE ??? farewell bile ???

BruR bRuR...
hehhehe...kewL.. U fiNIsH up cecepaT i caN jUst cOpY and paste.. change all the "planning" words to "electricaL" hOW's that ... mE sO daMN malaS aaH ...

seLf rEstrained... said...

hMmm.... mY comment To oUr long losT friend.. takde reply pun...
not good enuf ???

superman said...

oit nyah
suker la..
mane x suke..
dah last2 day ni asyik kene perah je..
"ko ni dah nk berenti pun keje gile2 gak?" bak kate najib
lalalala je la kan..