Tuesday, January 23, 2007

aNA la' aFhaM aL-lughatul araBiaH ....

I was at The DOc's execUtive suite in Park royaL (very nice comfY room) last week and was aBout to have our TApaU-ed NaSik aYAm Bukit bintaNg for dinner when Bob sms-ed me...
"Babe.. i have a few good arabic Cds for u to learn arabIc so that u wont end up blurting something like..please take me from behind to the pak Arabs when u're actually asking for your regular coffee...."

at first it came to me as a joke ... but then, i finally realised, shOOoT!!! mY araBiC suCks!!
i have limited vocaBs. Those years of acually having bahasa araB as one of the subject in my syllibus doesn't groom me into becoming the next spokes person for some arabic talk show or something. All i have in my limited vocab-pool (now mY vocaB has it's Own pOOl) is "ana la' afham al-lughatul arabiah" = i dont know arabic language...and now it shows.....

don't get me wrong here. i still know some of the basic such as..
Mas Muka = what's your name...
kaIfa Haluka = how are u ...
kam saah al an ? = what's the time now..
izhaba ila idarah = i'm going to the office..

bUt then it's not good enuf to actually transpire my message accross...
for example... what if i'm so pissed off in the meeting and decided to bang the table and give some harsh remarks to those pak 4r4bs ... can i just say... "anTa yuklam fil dubur"!!!! = Ure such a paiN in the as*....!!!! it does sound funny and a bit off the limit ..
in the first place do they actually allow you to curse when u're in an islamic country ? do they have some hudud rulling against it ? I know if u tell a lie and u might end up tongeless but does the same rule applies to cursing as well ?? they might even end up sending me back home for having such a filthy mouth....

sO in my quest to bursh up on my appalling arabic laguage skill/knowledge (i dare not call it a skill at all), i decided to seek for the GURU's help...a.k.a MUM...
Come to think bout it, Mum do have various hidden skills. Told u guys bOut her "gypsY skills"...and now arabic?? she should be crowned as "superMum" one of these days...

there i was on satURdaY afternoon in her study..flipping through tonnes of arabic books...
"Mak .. how do u say i want to have breakfast ?"
"....Atanawalul futur...."

"mak...how bOut i really-really need coffee ??
"..Al-kahwah muhimUm li, a'fini al-aN..."

i restrained my self from asking the GURU ...
How do i say ..."will u marry me "???
That will give her the shock of her life won't it ?? But trust me .. if i were to find some Hunk and yummy pak 4raBs(s) there, that will definatley comes in handy. I'll reserve that for later ... much..much later...*wink*

as for the time being...
afhamu al-lughatularabiah qalilan-qalilan = (direct translation for) I faham arabic sikit-sikit....

me...searching high and low for "arabic language for dummies..."

Saturday, January 20, 2007

bErbaGI hubbY...

i haVe nothing against PolygaMy and i seriously do not condone people who wish to venture into iT.
On wednesdaY itself i managed to drag The doc and Org minyaK to watch "BerbaGI suAmi". It was a witty muVi and i enjoyed it fer sure. The doC on the other hand felT disturbed and Org minyak ... Hurmm...i think he now have a different view on indon muvies..

The best part oF the whole muvi was the exchange of remarks either from us or from the kakaK behind ouR row. It was hillarious how we ended up cracking ourselves to our own remarks. Not to mention those indon-soft-porn sound effects are priceless (nak beli memana kat petaling street pun tak dapat babe...).

My new IndoN idOl is Dewi Sri plaYed by Ria Irawan. Why ?? fork out your RM10 and go and catch the mUvi. Trust me, u will agree with me ..
...begawan soLo is still playing in my head ...

Friday, January 19, 2007

nEw Year...nEw shine....

baCk then... i was seriouslY in doUbt on what will be installed for me in the future as i viewed my life as going on an on without having any clue where is it leading to.. a headless chicken to be exact. I was indecisive about almost everything. should i submit mY PE application ? should i go out with him ? should i go to koh samui ? should i save or should i spend ? shuld i buy that handphone ? should i wear read or blue ? should i have chicken or fish for Lunch ?

it was bad... uncertainty runs wild...

I did a lot of soul searching, prayed hard, asking HIM to at least shine me with some lights on my future path. I was indecisive about almost everything. i was on an emotional roller-coster. Am i doing the right thing ? where are the signs ?? did i missed on any hints that HE might have given me earlier ??...

Ya Allah ... Please..let me know...dorongkanlah hatiku. Am i actually on the right path ?? aNd yet...i saw nO lights...no hints..no signs....

but now it's clearer...all this while the signs are everwhere, the path is actually clearly lit up, i managed to get almost all of HIS hints.

Alhamdulillah... Despite the fact that it might not seems logic now and sometimes it might not make any sense at all..but HE knows better. i'm welcoming Awal MuharaM with a new shine...


Need to say mOre ???

janUarY babies...

a Bad aUntie inDeeD.. yours truely had been "lost" lately... yup that's the best word to descirbe me.. LOst !!!!...anywaY..WorLd, please give your warmest welcome applause to the most adorable babY in the house.. BAby aUfa zahidi. He finally decided to pop out into the world on 15th JanuarY a daY beFor muM's b'daY.
MUm on the other hand ended up having a new grandson for her b'day pressie for this year... so i guess my M & S handbag gift for MAk falls in second place in her list of b'day pressie. we celebrated Mum's bdaY dinner at "choP and SteaK" Cz mamIto hated long drive to the KL town.
mY best b'daY wishes goes out to these two most lovable JAnuaRy babies, Mum and babY aUfa. Next on the januarY baby list is aLia...*scratching my head...what shall i get for her this year????*

Thursday, January 18, 2007

i jUSt Don't kNow...

it's one of the days where u actually have a lot of things to tell and write but enDing up not writting it at all. a lot of things have happened lately....suddenly abU dhabi came into picture out of no where and i have limited time to tie up all the loose ends on things that i'll be leaving behind in malaysia.

My appointment letter was issued out yesterday and yet to be signed. aM i doing this for real ? aahhh... the title says it all.. i just don't know..

Monday, January 15, 2007


Finally the blog had some makeoVer. Thanks to En taHi. Walaupun i ended up having en tahi's leaping picture stuck to my blog for 1 week (aparah aM.. salah gambar aah ....) but i'll give A for efforts.. thanks again am (cepat!!! tukar gambar tuh!!!)...
As for the time being... U Guys can anjoy the preview of the actual picture...
hoping for a gOOd and blessed week ahead....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday at Friday's

aFter muCh attempT(s) to have dinner or coffee oR teh tarIk session wif BebudaK From t4njung b1n, yesterdaY we finally made it...The Much awaited dinner finally Took place at Tgi Friday's...Despite the fact that MR. panciT (the niCkname explained it all...pancit halfway...) can't make iT as he was rushing for his Mock up Unit for the datO' and the due date is tOdaY..sO we went on without him anyway...

BluRblogger, nIckie, yours TrueLy and MR. Baha (who decided to come out of his shell and joined us) had tOoo much of everything eating... talking..gossiping...Joking...laughing..Yup...waY sO Much laughing...

It was halF way thru dinneR when we noticed that the TGI CRew will eventually dedicate a caTCHY-hip-hop-raP-and-sort-of-everyThing b'daY song tO any birthdaY boy/girl in the house and we definatelY dont wanna Miss the action sO we decided To "Crown" baha as our "b'daY BoY".. hahahaha...tetiBe laK bahaR Punye B'daY shifted tO 10th January instead of his actual July b'day (ok pe can get to celebrate his b'day twice this year)....the "b'day" boy was blushing throughout the whole b'day song... iT was sOooOooO much fUn..The usual button bursting session wenT well as we all ended uP draGgInG our full loadEd tuMmY ouT oF FRidaY'S at 11...

i ate the whole FridaY's... sO for u guys out there... if u're thinkIng oF heading tO Subang parade's FidaY's... just forget It!!! cZ iT's IN mY tuMmy....bUrP...!!! excuse me.....

Monday, January 08, 2007


I greated New YEar in the bed as usual. Woke up in the Morning .."damn i missed a Year". i welcomed two-Double-O-seveN with a mixed feeling of JoY..happiness..groGgY and gLooMy..aiyaRk...yet another Year. i'LL treat it like any other year.

New year's resolutIon ??? I don't have any as for this year it will be a year without any Resolution for a change.

me... Looking forward tO be on the "eye of Malaysia" cz It looks nice and the new year fireworks picture overlooking the structure itself (which was posted on most of the daily papers) is such a splendid image...

LookiNg for a gOOd year aheaD....