Wednesday, July 23, 2008

pregnancY for Dummies paRt I..

i've been 16 weeks dowN thiS preGnaNcY lane and treasuring all the small, big and wonderful step-by-step experience of being a muMmy..i must saY that bile PreggIe nih some small things that yoU can do easily before are not"do-able" now...i came Up wiTH this lisT...

10 simPle things that you can't do when U're preGgY ...

1. You CAn'T jUmP for jOy... (physicaLlY aaH)...
nOpe... babY you can't!!! no mORe oF those kriSs kroSS musiC... JUmp..JumP ..maU bergegaR babY dlM tuMmy..

2. yOU can't eaT nenaS.. tebu ..tapaI...aiR kelaPa..durIan...(darN ...and this LIsT goes on and On and oN)..

3. yOU can'T sleeP on your tummY anymore..Org kata nanTI babY sakIT...

4. You can'T weaR your babY tees and skimpY outfit no More.. *sing*..bye-bye skinny jeans, baby tees, baJu kebaya...welCome oversized outfit & beLLy belT...

5. You can't hold on a leak...when you hafta really hafta gO...

6. yoU can't consume tOo mUch caffine..*Cut down on coffee bitching sessioN*

7. nO more caTwaLk ...yOU can't jalan kePit2...this is the thing that i can't reaLLy understand.there's this standard "preggie-Lady-walK" that you tend to adapt mase pregnant...legs apart... peRUt mCm kedepaN..jalaN macaM kengkanG sikiT...*but trust me... it's the "IN" thing should try ...

8. nO more LonG waLks.This is reallY baD for those yang suke Window-shopping...

9. can't skip a meaL..You'll easilY masOK angiN..and this will cause you to suffer for the rest of the daY esp. for those yang ade gastric prOb.

10. you can't bring yourself to measure your slightly overgrown tummy... *hahahhahaha..iN deniaL*

*enjoying everY mOmenT oF it*...

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