Tuesday, August 26, 2008

bY 30...

i once dreamt that by 30 i would be a political figure...
some sort of Put3ri uMn0, w4nita umn0 or whatever...
my wardrobe would be filled with pink, red kurungs and see through selendang..
i wOuld be verY buzzy campaining and and going around towns and "bendaNgs"..

My husband would be verY shY and timid
that would follow everYwhere i go without any limit...
No kids in the basket as i'm tOo BusY..
tO serve mY country and my beloved parTi...

i'll haF tO be in my dearest behaviour
no scandaLs..no hanKY panKY oR what so eveR,,
oR else i'll be in all sorts of trouble..
and People are swarming to burst my bubble...

bUt thank God that now i'm a nobOdy..
where i can flee anywhere so freeLy....
i haf no remorse for not being anYbody
as beinG what i am Now..i feLt so LucKy..

*thanK GoD it was Just a DReaM...
haPpy 30th B'day To mE....*

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