Saturday, September 06, 2008

p/s...i lOve U ...

dI kala-kaLa mandOm and depressed nih ...
ada baIknye i don't dweLL on things that will make me feel even worst..
Adli recommended some chick flick muvi to watch which goes by the title of "p/S..i Love U" and he even throw in the novel just to spices things up. Yup i know, the noveL is sOo 2004, but what the heck!! at times like this anything would do..

I dare not to read the novel first as i'm done with doing the same stOopid mistake with "da vincci code" and the rest of the best-sellers.You tend not to appreciate the muvi after going through the novels...

aLL in aLL the mUvI was gOod, hilary swank was awesome and despite we watched it on pirat3d Dvd the quality was superB *thanks to Ind0n good pirat3d Dvds*.It managed to cheer me Up a bit.

~struggling to finish the novel~


Anonymous said...

salam..ina ...sudah lama singgah... tapi tarak hapdet.. we'll selamat berpuasa...mana dpt kak iza nyer blog??

seLf rEstrained... said...

lama dah tak update... kemalasan melanda... dah lama ina tau blog kak iza... but dok jadi silent reader aje...