Thursday, July 01, 2010

back to normal ...

hasil ketidak-creative-an saya... my blog layout was a disaster for nearly 3 weeks.
and yes... tangan gatal nak click itu ini hasilnye all my sidetabs went downwards and i can't even change the backgrounds and etc...

a few helping hands (cik lia and others..time kasih) didn't manage to cure the severe damage done.

tapi berkat kesabaran menanti mamaSu pulang dari kursus BTN and her JAkarta (berjimba-jimba) trip, wallah's now back to normal and not only that with extra effort, berjaya menceriakan the layout.

thanks darL.nanti saya suruh abg ipar anda tebalkan sedikit angpau dihari raya :)

luv u..

Friday, June 04, 2010

jalan-jalan cari Kawan...

mana K.A.W.A.N-K.A.W.A.N saya?

read about it on syigim's blog ... (thanks darL)...
and being F.R.I.E.N.D.S biggest fan i just can't resist the urge to have my cuppa at

Dubai version... good enuf ...

the brownies n icecream is sinful....
the sexy orange sofa... and not so sexy blur faced lady

si merah and the merah couch ...
the smiley guy...
in the land far away... how i wish my true F.R.I.E.N.D.S are here...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

brOg = bLog + brag

is it me or the blogging scene now days are becoming more stereotype. Blog hopping used to be my fav past time, but now the more I hop the more obnoxious I become.
most of the blog post will be about "I bought a new branded stuff ranging from handbags, footwares, even sanitary pads (apekah??) and the list goes on and on..."

sorry for being extra feisty today, I really missed those days when people wrote blogs out of passion of writing and not to mention those smart and witty "talk c0ck" blogs that haunts u daily.

I can't live a day without having my daily dosage of blogs but now I feel better without it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Everywhere else is overated but not here ~SANTORINI~

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


~mode malas nak load pictures... sila ke FB ye...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


*now where is my "never-had-one-hot-bikini-body" when I need it the most..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

mencik dia...

setiap kali aku bukak blog dia sure aku depress...
aku menci tgk blog dia...
rambut cantek, kaki panjang,perut kempis,muke runcing, senyum manis, mencik!!!
some people are blessed with good looks kan ?

tapi aku still suke tgk blog dia...
yes.. aku memang suke mendepresskan diri...

cik adik h4nis zula1kha...
saya mencik tau!!!!

esok saya tgk lagi.. hari-hari saya akan depress!!!

*gile gedik punye post..tapi aku pedulik ape.kan tgh depress nih*

Abu Lambat lagi....

There i was, 3 weeks ago, sipping my morning coffee while my fingers are busy scrolling the trackball, going through the facebook updates....

"The Ustazah" mobile picture update captured my eyes.

"ABU lambat lagi.. *3 dari kanan."then there was this picture of 3 boys and a girl lining up.

Three from right i was counting, one, two,"the one in the songkok..CUTE.. ..

I find it amusing. It does bring back memories of me during my schooling days many moons ago or more like decades to be exact. Punctual was never in my dictionary as I was always late.

and back to Abu .. yes… the little late boy ABU

There I was, following the thread of comments left by "The Ustazah" friends. There were 22 comments in total from various continents and all over the world, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, LONDON… Most of the comments were hilarious and managed to make me smile.

Looking back at Abu's face in the picture, little that he showed any sign of anxiety nor any amount of fear of being late. I was trying to picture myself being in his shoes, sweating, trying to come up with all sort of excuse for being late, trembling, if i were to pee in my pants ..would “The Ustazah” show me a little mercy ? :)

Then came a new update on "The Ustazah's" wall...

"a'a Abu lmbt lg hr ni..alasan?? ~ adik (baby) sy lmbt...."

and as usual, the comments came flying in. Wow!! This lil boy managed to attract that much attention. He was the limelight of the day. " of the day"

Little that we know of that he was telling the Truth...

This morning, again came an update on ABU on "The Ustazah's" FB wall...

"terima 2 berita pg ni; 1. Smlm (isnin) tiada sorg murid pun yg dtg lewat.. Yg kedua: Adik Abu (jantung berlubang) telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pd Isnin lepas (cuti sek)."

I was shocked. MasyaAllah..

That poor Boy... my poor ABU..

as i tried to recall that day, where we were all commenting on "The Ustazah's" status we were all smiley, passing remarks, throwing jokes while sipping coffee.. and Abu on the other hand, was all weary inside, having a sick sister, being late for school, kena pulak duduk kat tepi "line BUdak2 lambat", and to make it worst.. none of us believed his excuse.

that explain his emotionless face as his mind was far from easy.

Masya-Allah ..

At times it takes a boy to remind to just stop and listen and believe for once and yes not forgetting to show mercy on others.

BArakah alaika ya ABU for being a good brother.

Alfatihah to his late sister may her soul rest amongst the dwellers of jannnah.

Monday, March 22, 2010

when 3 rayyan(s) colide

i lost count when it comes to rayyan ..(i meant the name)...
apparently most of our friends here in abu dh4bi have a lil rayyan in their family..

firSt there's rayyan az1m- Du's son
Omar rayy4n- Mas & azl4n's
ryy4n ra0p - d0ya & huss1n's
rayy4n -Aj1m & n0na's
and not forgetting mama's lil red Rayyan...

amongst things that they have in common other than their names are ...they are cheeky, playful, extremely active and they can't sit still for more than 5 seconds...

pictures taken by auntie mas during makan2 session di rumah ,,presenting the 3 rayyans.. (Left to right) ... ryy4n ra0p, omar rayy4n and rayyan mama
goofing around... as usual...

they sat a lil while...
but not more than 5 seconds ...
cheeky is our middle name...
wallah ... finally a perfect kodak moment...kudos to auntie mas...
mama's lil berry ...
me lil red rayyan....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

bye bye winter n soccermom...

i DREAD that the winter is ending...
It's's foggy..
comes more bLue skies..
i know my lil red rayyan would miss the park and play baLL...
note to readers...
i. I'm losing my passion in writting. It had been going on for a while. i dont feel the drive to do it. Hope that i won't lose it forever...*Please bear with me*
ii. and yes... i'm still trying to figure out how i managed to do the stretch pose above...*wink*

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

am i a "monica"?

aM I A "Monica" if i iron all my 15 months old boy's cloth ?
am i a "Monica" if i do my laundy in a certain order ?
am i a "Monica" if i like to keep everything in order?
Monica..Schmonica.. caLL me whatever...
i just like to be clean and proper... hehehheheh :)
*just finish doing laundry & lots of ironing,,,
and yes....thanks to my lil helper....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The one with the lousy photos...

Click for larger viewing

i've been wanting to update this blog ...
dari sehari-ke sehari fail to do so ...i guess the work is taking a toll on my life and i No longer find time to do things that i enjoyed the most... will put an end to my working life for a while... counting my last serving day..yabedabedooooo!!
so... backdate on cerita2 lama yang dah basi...
Decided to take a break from Abu dhabi and Dubai ... and went to Al-Ain instead....Sedikit jakon cz suddenly ade oasis di tengah-tengah padang pasir and greens all over..

we took some lousy picture *as most of the time Mr. cameraman did all the driving and yours truly was stucked with the camera and clicking myself away*.It prooves that no mater how good your gadget is..kalau tangan tak bedung & org tak berseni, the picture will end up looking like it was taken from a chookia camera phone... hahhahaha...
so there we were minding our own business ..tiga anak beranak ..
went to jabel hafeet,went to mercure, lazing in the room, membeli belah di splash al-ain, chasing rayyan around the hotel room, makan2...swim a little *chilly water*, chasing rayyan around the park...
come saturday ... we went back to abu dhabi...
2 days after that ... this came into my mailbox...
adelah sangat menyesal tak amik gambo bebetol.


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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

happy 2010 ...

Marhaba 2010..will be writting soon...