You were rather inviting in a way..
YoU were veRy welcoming and warn.....
aT times U were cold ..that it gives me shivers
U made yer point that u need to really see me AGAIN and again....
despite that the fact that i'm physially un-fit to meet up wif u ...
I missed oUr weekly get-together last week cz i was uncertain...
Do U miss Me DEaR ???
i can't figure IT oUT...
i can'T reaD in between the lines...
Are u relieved not to see me Or do u ReallY miss me for sure??
U made your statemenT that U "REaLLY-really" neeD TO see me aGain...
i KNow u missed MY MOves...
i knOw i need Those strokes....
i jUSt haTe those woNdering eyes..
Those uninvited stares from the public..
those watchful eyes of others..
the way that gawk when ever i approach u ...
It's Just Horrible..
They make is as iT is a sIN for Us tO be together.....
What da ??
i'M Just TALkinG tO mY swimmiNg pOOl...
YuP... HiT the Waters haRd On suNdaY. Missed mY weeklY swiMming session lasT sunDay (cZ yours TruelY overslePt) and it's PaYback time!!!!
I hit the wateR WiTh a BiG THud Instead oF the usual NoT-sO-BIg-sPlash but i managed tO eMptY haLf oF the POol though. GAsping for breath after my so-called attempt to at least stay in shape swimming session last sundaY i realised that i'M an Unhealthy Freak.....
bEen living oN unhealty food lately. mY daIlY 5 times meals..breakfast, lunch, tea-break, dinner and super and somtimes those 2am nite cuppa is not helping at all.
Being nannY oLd where at this age what eveR u pop into yer mouth will end up somewhere.. either iT's at the tummy, thighs or Hips... darn!!! i'M now the OfficiaL "Perot buncIt-Thick thighs-saggy bum-millions Love handles queeN"...
Living in the Era where everYbody are trying their best tO look like SupermoDEls where size 2 is the Ultimate size, The "i'm-skinny-and-dying-due-to- lack- of-flesh" and "see-My-Rib-cage-is-showing" figure is the "IN" thing having love handles here and there is sucH a sIn.
To make things worst..those "to drooL and To die for" cloths that you think might look good on U only comes in size 2, 4 or 6... What the??? i'm pUtting the blame oN twiggy..
So here i am... in denial of the faCt that i actually have to do something bout my unhealthy life style oR i'll end up shopping in "Plus siZe" boutiques but at the same Time in the quest to find some New hoBbies that includes sweating and panting.. (hahhahahahhahahh!!!!! peverts!!!)...